Year 6 Pt 21

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The rhythm of the next few days became a repetitive cycle – waking up, attending classes, quidditch practice, bedtime, sleep, and the cycle repeating itself. However, the anticipation grew as Thursday arrived, signaling game day!

I meticulously changed out of my pajamas, slipping into my crisp uniform. The morning sun cast a warm glow as I curled my hair with care, opting for a half-up, half-down style. Hermione's thoughtful gift, a ribbon in maroon and gold, added a touch of elegance to my hair. After a precise application of makeup and a thorough teeth-brushing, I joined the other quidditch players in the common room. Harry, our captain, gathered us for a brief meeting before we headed to breakfast, setting the tone for the exciting day ahead.

"Good morning, everyone! I've got a quick talk because I want us all to stay sharp for the game. While Hufflepuff might be ranked lower, we can't afford to play down to their level," Harry asserted.

A sea of nods rippled through the room as we absorbed Harry's words.

"Now, let's take care of business in the classroom so we can dominate on the field tonight!" Harry's enthusiasm ignited a surge of excitement among us.

The chant of "Gryffindor" erupted, spreading through the entire house. I felt a surge of adrenaline, making it challenging to contain my excitement for the upcoming match.

The Gryffindors marched into the Great Hall, a cacophony of cheers and shouts drawing disapproving glances and whispers from the other houses.

"Alright, Gryffindor students, let's calm down," Dumbledore's voice resonated through the hall.

I took a seat next to Harry, engaging in a discussion about strategies for the upcoming game.

"Know your limits today, Niamh, okay?" Harry, shifting the conversation, looked at me earnestly.

"I know, Harry. I will. Thanks for looking out for me," I reassured him, patting his arm with a grateful smile.


With two more hours until the match, I made my way to the locker room to prepare. Deciding to keep my hair out of my face, I fashioned a low, slick-back ponytail and adorned it with the maroon and gold ribbon Hermione had gifted me. Donning my uniform and quidditch gear, I emerged onto the pitch to commence stretching and warming up for the highly anticipated game.

The chill in the air contrasted with the nervous warmth I felt as I sweated through the cold. Following stretching, I delved into a brisk dynamic warm-up before mounting my broom.

Gradually, the rest of the team joined me, and together we prepared for the upcoming match. As we grouped into our respective positions, the energy buzzed with anticipation. Our warm-up session progressed smoothly, and soon, Madam Hooch announced we had just a couple of minutes left.

Harry gathered us for a huddle, rallying the team with a spirited pep talk to boost our morale and focus before the game commenced.

As we stepped back onto the pitch, Harry's words echoed in our minds, and we nodded in unison, ready to demonstrate our skills to Hufflepuff. "Alright, now let's show Hufflepuff what we can do!" Harry's rallying cry reverberated through the team, and we all cheered, eager to make an impact.

Madam Hooch's warning for a clean game hung in the air as we took our positions. The whistle blew, signaling the start of the match. I swiftly seized the quaffle, deftly evading two Hufflepuff opponents before making a precise pass to Ginny, who effortlessly scored. The eruption of cheers from the crowd fueled my adrenaline, intensifying the thrill of the game.

In a thrilling turn of events, I intercepted a pass from a Hufflepuff player, deftly dodging opponents and scoring. The resounding cheers from our house echoed through the stadium, momentarily dispelling my nerves. Pausing mid-air, I absorbed the energy of the game, the cheers, and the palpable excitement.

Yet, my brief distraction proved to be my downfall. A momentary glance at Severus in the teachers' stands left me vulnerable. Suddenly, a bludger zoomed towards me, catching me off guard. It collided with my face, the impact sharp and unyielding. My hand instinctively clamped over my nose, warmth spreading as the game roared on, blood staining my fingers.

Despite the bludger-induced setback, I shake off the pain and rejoin the game, determined not to let it keep me grounded. I spot Ginny approaching with the quaffle, and we seamlessly execute a play, resulting in another score for Gryffindor.

As the match concludes with Harry catching the snitch, I land with the rest of the team. Eagerly, I rush over to Harry, giving him a tight hug. "Great game, Harry! Thanks for catching that snitch," I say with genuine excitement. He hugs me back warmly and whispers, "Glad to have you back, Niamh." A broad smile crosses my face, and I pull away from the hug, the elation of being back on the team shining through.

"Your performance was absolutely brilliant out there, Niamh!" Ron exclaims, his enthusiasm evident. I return the compliment with a smile, sharing a hug with him.

Heading back to the locker room, I make a pit stop at Madam Pomfrey's for a quick checkup. Harry kindly offers to escort me. As we walked toward the hospital wing, Harry couldn't hide his admiration. "Niamh, that was incredible! Your moves were like, pure magic."

I chuckled, "Well, it is a game of magic after all, Harry. But thanks, it feels good to be back."

"You really made a difference out there. We missed having you on the team," he admitted with a smile.

"I missed being there. This win feels like a great comeback," I replied, a sense of satisfaction in my voice.

As we reach the infirmary, I express my gratitude. "Thanks for walking me here, Harry. It means a lot," I say appreciatively.

Madam Pomfrey greeted me with a teasing smile, "Didn't I mention I prefer our meetings outside of this wing?"

I chuckled, "You did, and I promise it wasn't intentional. Just a little souvenir from the game."

She skillfully tended to my nose, "Well, accidents aside, it's good to see you in one piece. Try to stay away from bludgers next time, alright?"

I thanked her, leaving the hospital wing with a newfound appreciation for my intact nose.

The atmosphere in the locker room was electric, with the team celebrating our victory. I quickly removed my Quidditch gear, joining the joyous festivities.

As we left the locker room, the entire team made our way back to Gryffindor tower. The cheers and claps from our housemates greeted us as we entered, marking the beginning of our celebration. The room buzzed with excitement and congratulations.

Harry clapped me on the shoulder, "You were incredible out there, Niamh!"

I grinned, "Thanks, Harry! Couldn't have done it without the whole team."

Ron chimed in, "That snitch catch was brilliant! And Niamh, those goals – outstanding!"

Amidst the celebration, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the camaraderie of my friends.

After the whirlwind of celebration settled, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I gathered to chat about the day's triumphs. As the common room gradually emptied, Hermione and I decided to head to the girls' dormitories.

Walking towards the dormitories, Hermione asked, "Are you glad to be back?"

I smiled, "Absolutely, Hermione. It felt incredible to be out there playing today. I'm so happy to be back!"

In the cozy confines of our dormitory, we went through our nighttime routine, chatting and gossiping before settling into our beds. The day's excitement left me pleasantly exhausted, and it didn't take long for sleep to claim me.

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