Year 6 Pt 22

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As the day of Professor Slughorn's Christmas party arrived, I dedicated time to perfecting my appearance. My hair, fashioned in its signature half-up, half-down style, boasted delicate curls adorned with a sage green velvet bow. The dress I chose for the evening matched the festive theme – a gorgeous sage green velvet piece with a flattering v-neck, delicate spaghetti straps, and subtle sparkles scattered across the fabric. The knee-length dress exuded a touch of elegance, making me feel ready for the enchanting celebration ahead.

Adorned in sheer black stockings and stylish black heels, I took a moment to inspect myself in the mirror, ensuring my makeup was flawless and every detail perfectly in place. The reflection that greeted me left me feeling stunning, a sentiment that boosted my confidence as I descended to the common room.

Despite being one of the last to get ready, Ginny was already prepared, and we patiently awaited Hermione's finishing touches. The anticipation for Professor Slughorn's Christmas party heightened with each passing moment.

"Ginny, your dress is absolutely stunning! It complements your hair perfectly," I gushed.

"Forget about me, Niamh, you look so beautiful, and those bows are always such a cute touch," she complimented with a smile.

Hermione eventually descended in a light pink dress, but there was a visible hint of disappointment on her face.

"Hermione, your dress is beautiful! What's wrong?" I inquired.

"I made such a stupid decision. I—I asked Cormac to be my date," she sighed.

"Oh," Ginny and I responded in unison.

"Don't worry, just stick with us. We'll keep him away from you," Ginny reassured, grabbing Hermione's hand. The trio, now united, was ready to face the evening's festivities.

We gracefully made our way to the entrance of the tent where we had arranged to meet the boys. Harry's jaw nearly dropped as he took in the sight of the three of us. I approached Harry and shared a quick hug.

"Go talk to Ginny," I whispered in his ear. He nodded and headed toward Ginny.

Turning my attention to Ron, I gave him a swift hug. However, his focus was elsewhere as he noticed Hermione approaching Cormac. Tension lingered, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension in the air.

I released Ron and cast a glance at Ginny, who was engaged in conversation with Harry. Deciding to step into the tent, I was met with a bustling crowd of both adults and students. My eyes caught Neville serving, and a tinge of disappointment washed over me. I approached him with a smile.

"Hi Neville! It's good to see you again! How's your grandma?"

"Oh, hi Niamh! Gran's fine; she's happy I'm doing well here! You look very nice tonight!" he complimented.

"You're too kind, Neville. Thank you so much! I wish you could hang out with us tonight!"

"Me too. I was bummed that I didn't get into the club, but this isn't so bad either! Are you in the club, or just a plus one?"

"I'm actually in the club, but Harry asked me to be his 'date,' so I didn't bring anyone. But now I regret that because I would have totally asked you to come with me!"

"Oh no, Niamh, don't worry. I truly don't mind this. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to serving. Hope to see you later!" Neville smiled and walked off.

I watched him leave, appreciating his kindness. As I scanned the room, I noticed Hermione darting past the tent. Curious and concerned, I walked over to where she had hidden behind a sheet.

She looked relieved once she saw me. "Oh thank God, Niamh. I don't think I can take it any longer."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I could practically hear Ron's blood boiling when you were with Cormac," I giggled.

She smiled and rolled her eyes. Harry then appeared out of nowhere, looking at Hermione and me with confusion.

"Hiding from Cormac," I whispered. He looked at Hermione and sighed.

Hermione was about to say something when her expression changed. "Oh no, he's coming here. I've got to go."

She snuck away, and as soon as she left, Cormac entered.

"I thought I saw her in here, was she here?" He questioned us.

"Shoot, you just missed her," I smiled at him.

"Do you know where she went?"

"Honestly I don't kn-" I was cut off by someone opening the drapes and walking in.

In the midst of this unexpected scene, Severus approached, his gaze sweeping across the three of us. While Harry was positioned farthest away, Cormac and I were both under his watchful eye. As Cormac's face turned an ashen shade, he regrettably vomited on Severus's shoes. A gasp escaped my lips, and my eyes widened in shock. In that moment, I could sense Severus's piercing gaze on me, and I felt a subtle intensity in his eyes, perhaps noting more than just the unfortunate incident.

As Severus dealt with the aftermath, addressing Cormac and then redirecting his attention to Harry, I couldn't shake the feeling of his scrutiny. It was as if he lingered on my presence, and I caught glimpses of appreciation in his gaze, not just for the unfortunate dress-fouling incident but perhaps for the unexpected twist in my attire. The air hung heavy with a mix of tension and unspoken dynamics.

Severus, seemingly unfazed by the unfortunate incident with Cormac, engaged in a conversation with Harry. Meanwhile, I couldn't bear to linger in the awkward aftermath, so I approached Severus cautiously.

"Professor, would you like a napkin for the—" I discreetly gestured toward his shoes, not wanting to vocalize the unpleasant incident.

"Miss Donnelly, I am in the middle of a private conversation. Detention with me now, where you can clean my shoes," he asserted with his characteristic monotone voice.

"But sir, it's the beginning of the party," I protested.

"Now," he commanded, leaving me with little choice but to follow.

As I walked towards the opening of the tent, still in disbelief about the abrupt detention, Filch and Draco unexpectedly barged in. Their sudden entrance drew the attention of Professor Slughorn, who emerged from the crowd, intrigued by the commotion. The atmosphere became tense, and I couldn't help but wonder how this unforeseen turn of events would unfold.

"Professor Slughorn sir, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to be invited to your party" Filch says

The party has gone silent.

"Okay, okay I was party crashing" Draco blurts out

Severus steps out from the side and walks up to Draco "I'll escort the boy back"

Draco is let go of Filches grasp and starts to walk to the opening. He shoulders me as we leave and I look at Severus in shock.

"Go to my classroom and wait for me there" He scolds, and follows Draco.

The party starts to pick up again and I leave upset. As I'm walking Harry taps me on the shoulder.

"Harry what are you doing?" I whisper

"Seeing what they are up to, I have to go catch up to them"

"Dont get caught"

"I wont, good luck with Snape" He says before running off.

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