Deathly Hallows Pt 22

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Over a day has passed, and I couldn't be happier to be at Bill at Fleurs house. The healing potion administered by Fleur has worked wonders, and I find myself almost perfectly fine, the remnants of the injury fading into a mere echo of discomfort. The beach-themed room gave me the comfort that I desperately needed.

My friends never left my side, and told me a lot of stuffed that I seemed to miss. A trio of unexpected people—Goblin, Ollivander, and Luna—had also managed to escape the clutches of Malfoy Manor alongside us. Dobby, with his unwavering dedication, had orchestrated their rescue before ensuring ours. I never even knew they were at the manor to begin with, making me feel awful that if I knew they were there I would have tried to help them.

As I remain bedridden, the trio—Harry, Ron, and Hermione—becomes a constant presence, checking on me regularly. Today, they walk into the room, accompanied by the goblin, and find me engrossed in a book Fleur had given me called "Little Women."

"How are you feeling, Niamh?" Harry inquires, genuine concern etched on his face. Ron and Hermione flank him, their expressions a mix of relief and affection.

Hermione notices the book in my hands and exclaims, "Ah, 'Little Women'! Fleur has good taste. How are you enjoying it?" Her eyes twinkle with a shared love for literature, a connection that transcends the events that brought us together.

I close the book, bookmarking my place, and respond with a grin, "It's a delightful distraction. Something comforting amidst the chaos. And I'm feeling fine Harry, thanks for asking"

The goblin, standing quietly in the background, observes the scene with an air of stoic curiosity. The trio, with a shared understanding of the challenges we've faced, form a protective shield around me, their presence a source of strength in the process of healing.

Harry shifts in his stance and hesitates for a moment before breaking the news, "We're planning to break into Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts. We think there's a Horcrux in her vault" I look up from my book, a mix of curiosity and concern in my eyes.

"When are we leaving?" I ask, eager to be part of the next step in our quest, not even bothering to ask why/how he knows.

Harry exchanges a glance with Ron and Hermione before he gently replies, "I love you Niamh. Which is why I don't think you should come, I don't think you're fully healed yet."

A pang of frustration and disappointment courses through me, but I take a deep breath, understanding the reasoning behind their decision. "I get it. I don't want to risk anyone's life because of me." I admit.

Harry, sensing my mixed emotions, assures me, "We'll make it quick, and we'll signal you to meet with us as soon as we're done."

Hermione takes charge, her mind already at work on a communication system. "I've got an idea," she announces, her eyes bright with determination. "We can use Patronuses to communicate. Each of us will send one when we're done, and you'll know."

Relieved by the plan, I express my gratitude. "That's brilliant, Hermione. It will put my mind at ease."

"There's one more thing" Hermione blurts out "I don't know if your aware, but Snape is headmaster at Hogwarts. He was also the one who put a fake sword of Gryffindor in Bellatrix's vault"

I stare at her blankly, processing all the information. Knowing I would get emotional, I quickly shake the information away. I nod, appreciating their concern for my well-being, and their honesty. "Promise me that you'll be safe," I insist, locking eyes with each of them. They exchange solemn glances before Ron says, "We promise, Niamh. We'll see you soon." The room is filled with a quiet determination as our paths temporarily diverge, the promise of reunion hanging in the air.

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