Summer Pt 5

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After narrowly escaping perilous encounters upon Apparating out of the Burrow, we eventually found ourselves seeking refuge in the gloomy confines of 13 Grimmauld Place for the night. The abandoned house, shrouded in shadows, seemed to exude an air of desolation that matched our own somber feelings.

As we cautiously explored the eerie rooms, I couldn't help but feel a heavy weight on my chest, a lingering guilt for leaving our friends behind in the chaos. Attempting to find solace, I settled onto a worn-out couch, my mind still grappling with the recent onslaught of Death Eaters and the memories of their malevolence.

"Niamh," Ron's voice cut through my reverie as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I snapped back to the present, offering a feeble smile. "Sorry, I zoned out," I admitted.

"Are you alright, Niamh? I'm here if you want to talk," Ron offered a gentle smile, a glimmer of concern in his eyes.

"Thank you, Ron. I'm just a bit shaken up from the wedding. If you guys don't mind, I'm just going to try to sleep," I sighed, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in.

"Of course. You're safe now, Niamh," Ron reassured, giving me a brief hug before departing, presumably to join Hermione and Harry in their own contemplations.

As I lay down on the couch, closing my eyes, the weariness of the night's events overcame me, and I succumbed to a restless slumber.


*flashback dream*

The Quidditch pitch resounded with cheers as Harry snatched the Snitch, securing Gryffindor's victory.

"And with that, Harry has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" the announcer declared.

My elation was palpable as we descended to the ground, forming a circle around Harry. Congratulations and cheers echoed among teammates.

"Bloody hell, Niamh, you played bloody amazing!" Ron exclaimed.

"Says you! You saved so many goals! You should be proud!" I smiled, basking in the post-victory euphoria.

Scanning the teachers' stand for Severus, I noticed his absence. A frown briefly marred my joy, but I dismissed it, choosing to focus on the celebration.

The team continued to share their commendations as we headed to the locker room.

"Let's go to the Three Broomsticks tonight!" someone suggested.

The unanimous agreement filled the air with excitement. Secretly, I welcomed the idea, providing a convenient excuse for my absence.

"Wait, but Niamh can't come. Let's stay here," Harry proposed.

"No, no, it's fine. This was a big win; go without me!" I replied.

"Are you sure? Why don't we stay here for just a bit?" Harry suggested to the room.

Nods of agreement followed. "You guys didn't have to, thanks!" I grinned, appreciating their understanding.

"Great job, guys! Here's to the win!" Cormac exclaimed, revealing a bottle of firewhisky.

Eyes fixated on the bottle like it was a magical artifact. One by one, shots were taken, fueling the rowdiness.

"Here, Niamh, do us the honors and finish it!" someone yelled.

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