Year 6 Pt 28

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The first day back from break loomed ahead, and my nerves were on edge. The question of what to do about Severus hung heavy in the air, especially considering the artful dodging I managed throughout the entire break – a challenging feat.

"Ready for class, Niamh?" Hermione inquired.

"Yep!" I forced a smile, attempting to mask the turmoil beneath.

As I entered the classroom, I tried to maintain an air of normalcy. Engaging in small talk with Hermione served as a brief distraction until the impending class commenced.

"Turn to page 461," Severus muttered, our eyes briefly locking before I averted my gaze to my book.

An overwhelming wave of emotion hit me, and my eyes threatened to water. Being in the same room as him felt unbearable.

"Read up to page 480 and take notes," his voice echoed, and he took his place at the desk. The tension in the room was palpable as I reluctantly obeyed, struggling to concentrate on the task at hand.

The remaining moments of the class hung in a dense silence, and as the minutes slipped away, Severus addressed the class.

"I will be returning your papers that you submitted before the break. Miss Donnelly, I'd like you to stay after class. That is all," his voice maintained its usual monotone.

Papers were handed out, and the room gradually emptied. Left alone, I summoned the courage to break the silence.

"Was there an issue with my paper, sir?" I inquired.

Severus spoke softly, "I want to apologize for how I reacted."

Tears welled up, and I confessed, "No, it was my fault. I overstepped; I shouldn't have said it."

"It's alright. I hope this doesn't alter anything between us. Your absence from the dining hall the next day had me concerned," he admitted.

Shaking my head, wiping away tears, I managed a small smile. Placing a tender kiss on his cheek, I said, "Thank you, Severus," before turning to leave, hoping this would mark a positive turn in our complicated connection.

Hermione was waiting for me as I walked out.

"Is everything ok?" She asked

"Oh yeah, he wanted to know where I got my information on a specific topic for my paper. Thanks for waiting for me!"


As the days unfolded, the rest of the school year seemed to fly by in a whirlwind. My interactions with Severus persisted, but there was an undeniable shift in the dynamics between us. His presence, once a constant in my routine, became more sporadic. It was as if an invisible barrier had erected itself around him, preventing me from understanding the turbulence within.

Whispers of concern swirled around the corridors, suggesting that something ominous was transpiring with Severus. The gravity of his situation weighed heavily on his shoulders, casting shadows that danced with the flicker of uncertainty. I yearned to reach out, to bridge the growing distance, but the enigma surrounding him held me at bay.

Despite our diminishing encounters, my worry for Severus intensified. The unspoken tension in the air suggested that whatever he faced was formidable, and I felt a profound sense of helplessness. The impending storm in his life mirrored the tumultuous weather outside, reflecting the storm within my own heart.


My hurried footsteps echoed through the stone halls on that brisk June Friday night. The castle, usually bustling, was filled with a myriad of students and teachers engaged in their own pursuits. I slipped into Severus's classroom, shutting the door quietly behind me.

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