Deathly Hallows Pt 3

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*T.W!!!! Violence and harm. Read at your own risk*

"Did you get it, Niamh?" Harry's excited voice echoes through the night.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron stand outside the tent, their eyes fixated on the gleaming sword.

"No, it was too quick, and it's too dark outside," I sigh, my breath visible in the cold night air.

Harry nods, his gaze lingering on the precious sword.

"Harry, I'm really happy you got that sword, and I'm sure the three of you can figure it out, but I need to sleep. I'm sorry," I confess, exhaustion weighing heavily in my words.

Understanding, they all nod in agreement. I know they can see my eyelids droop, the dark circles forming under my eyes.

Dragging myself to the tent, I collapse onto my bed. In the solitude of the tent, silent tears escape. The weight of the burden feels unbearable. How can I continue this journey without him? Despite all he's done, why do I still love him?

As my eyelids grow heavy, I find solace in the darkness, and my thoughts fade away, granting me a fleeting moment of peace as sleep claims me.


I awoke feeling refreshed, the warmth of the morning sun peeking through the tent. A sense of relief washed over me, knowing I had managed to sleep through most of the night.

"Good, you're up, Niamh. Good news – well, Ron destroyed the horcrux!" Harry's excitement filled the air.

"That's fantastic! I knew you could do it!" I beamed.

"We're going to see Mr. Lovegood. We believe the necklace he was wearing at the wedding holds some clue. Get ready now," Hermione called out.

I nodded, eager to contribute. "I'll see if there's anything I can bring."

As we gathered to discuss the plan, our voices hushed in the early morning air. Hermione meticulously packed up the tent, and as a united front, we set out. The silence enveloped us, a deliberate choice to maintain our alertness and evade any potential threats. Every step was measured, and our eyes scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger.

As we trod through the snow-laden woods, a subtle unease settled in the air. The crunch of our footsteps was accompanied by an unsettling symphony of distant sounds. My senses tingled with an inexplicable alertness.

"Guys, I hear something," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the serene forest.

We came to a sudden halt, our heads turning in unison as we strained to discern the source of the disturbance. The surrounding landscape, adorned with snow-clad giants in the form of towering trees, remained seemingly undisturbed.

A snap echoed through the tranquil woods, and our collective attention snapped in its direction. The realization struck us simultaneously – snatchers.

"Run!" Harry's voice pierced through the stillness of the woods, urgency lacing every syllable.

Without a moment's hesitation, we launched into a desperate sprint, the frosty air biting at our faces.

"Get them!" The command echoed, and the sinister intent in the voice sent shivers down our spines.

The magical exchange began – a chaotic dance of spells colliding in the frigid air. The pursuers, five menacing figures with murder etched on their faces, closed in, relentless in their pursuit.

As we tore through the snowy landscape, a looming obstacle presented itself – a steep ledge, an insurmountable barrier that threatened to thwart our escape.

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