Year 6 Pt 12

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I ascended the stairs, my exhilaration from the run coursing through me as I returned to the common room. Harry lingered downstairs, seemingly preoccupied, while the rest of our peers had retired for the night.

"Hi, Niamh. How was your run?" he inquired, a subtle shift in his usual demeanor.

"It was great, my fastest time yet!" I replied with infectious excitement.

Harry's smile, however, lacked its typical warmth. Sensing something amiss, I approached him cautiously, gingerly settling beside him despite the persistent discomfort in my bottom. I gave his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it.

"What's on your mind, Harry?" I whispered, concern etching my voice.

"Something's up with Malfoy. On the map, he's disappearing, going to strange parts of the castle. I just know he's working for Voldemort," he confessed, his tone a mix of unease and whispered vulnerability. "I tried to follow him, but I keep losing him. I feel like I'm going insane."

"Oh, Harry, no, you're not! Thank you for telling me this. You can trust me," I assured, gripping his hand again. "Why don't we go together next time? If something happens, we'll tell the group." Shifting slightly in my seat, I suppressed any noise of discomfort. "I agree with you, Harry. Something is different about him than how he used to be. I don't know if I ever told you, but when I was asked to speak with Professor Snape," I began, acknowledging his scoff at the name, "he made Draco come as well. When I left his room, Draco wasn't facing me. I-I barely touched him when he pointed his wand at me," I quavered, my voice trailing off as the weight of the encounter lingered in the air.

Harry released my hand, and his fists clenched in visible frustration. "I wish you told me earlier," he stated, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

"I'm sorry, Harry," I whispered, leaning my head onto his shoulder, a gesture of consolation.

His hands gradually unclenched, and he relaxed, placing his head on mine. In the quiet of the common room, the crackling fire providing a comforting backdrop, we sat in shared silence.

"I miss Sirius," he blurted out, a raw expression of vulnerability.

"I know, Harry. We are here for you," I assured, a deep sense of empathy for his struggle.

As the minutes passed, we both succumbed to the soothing ambiance, dozing off in exhaustion from the weight of the day's revelations and emotions.


My eyes fluttered open, greeted by the dim glow of the common room. Glancing at my watch, it revealed the early morning hour of 5. I rose from my seat with careful movements, determined not to disturb Harry's peaceful slumber. Gently, I laid him down, tucking a blanket around him – a small effort to ensure he could find solace in much-needed sleep.

Aware of Harry's struggle with rest, our group collectively aimed to create an environment where he could find respite.

Still clad in my running outfit from the day before, I decided on a quick morning run. Grateful that my previous discomfort had eased, I embarked on the route, the quiet castle providing a serene backdrop to the rhythmic cadence of my footsteps.


In the predawn hush, the sun remained hidden, casting a delicate glow across the landscape. A thin layer of snow blanketed the ground, yielding a satisfying crunch with every step I took.

While most of the birds had sought refuge, the occasional call resonated through the stillness, adding to the calming ambiance of the early morning. My breath hung in the chilly air as I continued, the rhythmic crunch of snow beneath my feet becoming a soothing cadence.

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