Year 6 Pt 27

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My declaration hung in the air, and his hand paused on my face. Suddenly, his expression darkened, and his body tensed. He swiftly withdrew his hand, causing me to flinch at the abrupt shift.

"Get. Out," he growled, the words laced with a venom I hadn't expected.

I froze, feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces. "Wait, please, Severus. I'm sorry if I upset you, I—" I attempted to explain, but he cut me off with a harsh command.

"I said get out. Now!" His voice rose slightly, leaving no room for negotiation.

Tears cascaded down my face, and I cast one last glance at Severus before turning away. What had I done? The heaviness in my chest intensified with each step.

With no destination in mind, I fled the castle. The common room was not an option; I couldn't face anyone right now. I needed solitude. Running, I didn't stop until I reached the Black Lake. Its vast, dark waters mirrored the tumult in my heart. The dim light of the setting sun reflected on the surface, creating an eerie yet beautiful scene as I continued to run along its shores, the weight of my actions pressing heavily upon me.


The night had descended, and I found myself gasping for air as I finally stopped running. Collapsing to the ground, my ears were filled with a haunting ring, and his voice echoed relentlessly in my mind.

Questions circled my thoughts. Was it too soon? Did he not love me back?

The relentless pondering continued, but the weight of my emotions coupled with exhaustion overwhelmed me. Soon, in the solitude of the night, I succumbed to sleep, the turmoil of my feelings lingering in the quiet darkness.


"Quick get her up"

"Niamh, Niamh"

As my eyes slowly opened, the brightness of the sky overwhelmed me. Its hues resembled a cotton candy spectacle—was it the sunrise casting its gentle glow?

As my eyes fully adjusted, I surveyed my surroundings. To my surprise, Dean and Seamus stood over me, their faces a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Niamh can you hear us?" Seamus asked

"Yes, sorry I must have fell asleep here last night. Why are you guys up so early?" I questioned

As they squatted down to assist me, their concerned expressions etched with confusion and worry. My head spun momentarily, but I assured them I was fine.

"What do you mean? It's past dinner time," Seamus responded, his brow furrowed.

"Shit," I blurted, realizing how late it was.

"We were worried sick about you, Niamh. We couldn't find you anywhere! Do you think you can stand?" Dean asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I should be able to. I'm so, so sorry to worry you guys. Can you help me up?" I requested, extending my hands towards them for support. With their assistance, I slowly rose, feeling a bit lightheaded, likely due to dehydration.

"Did you fall and hit your head?" Dean questioned, his worry evident in his voice.

"Oh no, I went out for a run, but I overworked myself, and when I sat down, my body collapsed, and I fell asleep. Again, I'm so sorry to worry you," I admitted, feeling a tinge of embarrassment.

They walked me back to Hogwarts, attempting to persuade me to visit Madam Pomfrey, but I stubbornly refused. Insisting I was hungry, they accompanied me to the great hall. As I opened the door, I mentally braced myself, determined not to look up and face the melancholy thought of his face.

We sat down, and I immediately grabbed my goblet, chugging water down. The cool liquid provided relief, and I started to feel better. I ate my dinner slowly, cautious not to overindulge and risk feeling nauseous.

"Even though I practically slept for a day, I'm exhausted. But I feel so much better. Thank you, Dean and Seamus, for everything," I expressed my gratitude.

They smiled and accompanied me back to the Gryffindor common room. As we entered, a lively group of students was gathered, and we found seats on comfortable chairs. The warm atmosphere of the common room surrounded us, filled with relieved chatter about my well-being.

The chairs were plush, and the arrangement encouraged camaraderie. Dean and I sat together, Seamus across from us, engaging in the conversation, and as fatigue caught up with me, I didn't resist. My eyelids grew heavy, and without attempting to fight it, I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep, resting my head on Dean's shoulder.


I woke up to the soft warmth of a blanket draped over me. Glancing around, I realized I was still in the common room, having been moved to the large couch. A quick check of my watch revealed it was 7 am, Christmas Day.

Typically, I'd be bubbling with excitement on the verge of Christmas, but an overwhelming sense of loneliness enveloped me. My friends weren't around, and the uncertainty surrounding Severus and me lingered, casting a shadow over what should have been a joyous occasion.

Stop thinking about him Niamh. I told myself

I rose and attempted to make the most of my day. Slipping into a pair of cozy grey sweatpants and a snug sage green long-sleeve shirt, I tied my hair up in a high bun before heading to the great hall for a quick snack.

To my surprise, the hall was bustling with activity, filled with chatter and anticipation despite the early hour. Grabbing an apple, I left promptly. After the events of yesterday, I didn't want to overexert myself, so I opted for a leisurely walk.

Venturing outside, I marveled at the winter landscape. Unlike my usual runs, I took the time to appreciate the scenic surroundings, captivated by the beauty of the snow-covered Hogwarts grounds. The castle looked enchanting in the winter, and I felt genuinely grateful to be a part of this magical world.

I strolled for another half hour, taking in the winter scenery before the chill got to me, prompting my return indoors.

Back in the great hall, I settled at a distance from the teachers' table. The hunger hit me unexpectedly as I took the first delightful bite of my bagel.

Completing my meal, I returned to the common room, eager to join the festivities with the other Gryffindors. Most of the younger students had already torn into their presents, but I opted to wait for Dean and Seamus.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long, as they descended the stairs just as I entered. I greeted them with quick hugs. "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas, Niamh!" Dean exclaimed.

"Happy Christmas! Let's open our gifts!" Seamus suggested, excitement evident in his voice.


The day unfolded with us enjoying the company of our Gryffindor peers, sharing laughter, and unveiling the surprises nestled beneath festive wrapping paper. To my astonishment, I found myself on the receiving end of numerous thoughtful gifts: money from my parents, quidditch gloves from Dean, candy from Ron, books from Hermione, and running gear from Harry.

In return, I bestowed my carefully chosen presents upon my friends before they departed for the holiday break. Dean received an art kit set, a token of appreciation for his thoughtful gesture.

Despite the joyous atmosphere, weariness eventually overcame me, prompting my early retreat to bed. As I lay there, a heavy sigh escaping my lips, I couldn't shake the feeling of wearing a facade around my friends. It was disheartening not being able to confide in them about the turmoil within. Despite the day's festive spirit, an emptiness lingered, and I found solace in tears as I drifted into a restless sleep, thoughts consumed by Severus.

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