Year 6 Pt 20

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"Niamh it's time to wake up" Hermione whispered.

I tried to shrug her off but she ripped the blankets off my bed, making me sit up.

"Come on you only have 20 minutes to get ready!" She said. I sighed but got up.

"Thank you for waking me Hermione" she smiled and left.

Rushing through my morning routine, I forewent the luxury of curling my hair and opted for a low, tousled bun. Slipping into my stockings, I carefully adorned myself with a crisp white button-up, skillfully knotting my tie for a touch of Hogwarts uniform precision. The black sweater added a layer of warmth, elegantly paired with my skirt, neatly tucked in for a polished look. As a finishing touch, I donned my robe, transforming into a quintessential Hogwarts student.

Before heading to breakfast, I took a moment in the bathroom, where I meticulously brushed my teeth and went through my makeup routine. With each step, I embraced the familiar rituals that marked the beginning of another day at the magical school.


Anticipating the last class of the day—Defense Against the Dark Arts—I took my seat with a few precious minutes to spare. Normally, I would engage in lively conversations with Hermione before the lesson, but today, after the events of the previous night, I decided to break my routine and arrive early, ready to immerse myself in the magical world of defense against dark forces.

The professor's stern gaze swept across the room as he announced, "We have a pop quiz today on the reading that was due today. Take everything off your desk besides your quill." A palpable tension filled the room, with students exchanging anxious glances.

With measured steps, he moved around the room, handing out the quizzes forcefully. When my paper landed on my desk with an unexpected slam, I involuntarily flinched. The atmosphere intensified as he continued, "The quiz is designed to take the whole class period. You are dismissed once you finish. You may begin."

A hushed murmur spread through the room, signaling the beginning of the challenging assessment. Pencils scratched against paper, and the occasional sigh of frustration or confusion echoed in the air as students grappled with the unexpected quiz.

As I leisurely penned my name on the quiz, the questions seemed straightforward, and I swiftly finished before half the class had elapsed. A confident grin adorned my face as I meticulously checked my responses, convinced of their accuracy. Standing up, I drew shocked glances from my classmates.

"If you have a question, Miss Donnelly, raise your hand," the professor's voice boomed through the room, attempting to maintain control.

Ignoring his command, I confidently strolled towards his desk, quiz in hand. "I'm done, Professor," I declared with an innocent smile.

His eyes widened, and he lifted an eyebrow in surprise. "Very well, you may go," he conceded reluctantly.

Turning to leave, I made a deliberate effort to sway my hips, leaving a ripple of whispers and stares in my wake.


As dinner unfolded, a sense of restlessness crept over me. With a few hours remaining until my detention with Snape, I couldn't shake the nerves.

"Don't be nervous, Niamh. It will be over before you know it," Ron reassured me.

"Yeah, I've been to Snape's detentions loads of times. It's just boring," Harry chimed in.

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