Deathly Hallows Pt 23

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"Don't remember this on the Marauders Map" Ron remarks

"That's because it never existed till now. The seven passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with death eaters and Dementors" Neville informs

As we traverse the dimly-lit tunnels, the weight of Severus's absence hangs heavily on my mind. Summoning the courage to broach the subject, I turn to Neville, "Neville, how's Snape as the headmaster?"

Neville glances around before responding, his voice hushed, "Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you have to watch out for." His words carry a cautious undertone.

A surge of relief washes over me, knowing that Severus isn't actively causing harm to the students. In the shadows of the tunnel, a weight lifts from my shoulders.

"Carrows?" Harry asks

"Yes, Brother and sister, in charge of discipline." He points to his face "they like punishment, the Carrows"

"They did that to you? Why?" Hermione asks

"Today's dark art lesson had us practicing the Cruciatus Curse. On first years"

Neville's recounting of the horrors of the Cruciatus Curse sends shivers down my spine, resurrecting vivid and painful memories. The tunnel becomes a claustrophobic space as I stagger, attempting to steady myself against the onslaught of traumatic recollections.

My surroundings blur, and the confines of the tunnel seem to close in. The weight of my past experiences presses down, rendering me momentarily disoriented. People around me are calling my name, their voices a distant murmur in the cacophony of my own mental turmoil. The ringing in my ears intensifies, creating an isolated realm where the present dissolves into the haunting echoes of the past. In this disorienting spiral, I find myself temporarily disconnected from the tangible reality, caught in the relentless grip of my own memories.

Hermione's firm shake jolts me from the disorienting spiral, and gradually, the echoes of the past begin to fade. As the world regains its clarity, my breathing steadies, and I find myself back in the present moment. With a deep exhale, I manage to gather my composure.

"I'm sorry," I murmur, addressing the concerned faces around me. "I'm fine now," I assure them, a blend of gratitude and apology in my eyes.

Hermione's concerned eyes meet mine as she gives me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "Niamh, are you okay?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Neville, who has been watching with a mix of empathy and concern, adds, "It's a lot to handle. We're here for you."

I take a moment to gather myself before responding, "It's just... the memories, you know? The Cruciatus Curse."

Ron chimes in, his concern evident, "We understand, Niamh."

Harry adds, "We've been through a lot. It's okay to feel overwhelmed."

Neville nods, his expression reflecting understanding. "Yeah, I get it. Those curses... they leave scars, not just physically."

Taking a deep breath, I look at each of them and manage a small smile. "I'm sorry for the scare. I appreciate your understanding. Speaking of which, I need a wand. Neville do you think you can get me one?"

He nods "yes, we keep extra where we're staying"

I smile "Perfect. Now, let's keep going. We've got to reach Hogwarts." The tunnel stretches ahead, and with newfound determination, we resume our journey.

With a couple more strides we reach an end of the tunnel. "Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?" Neville asks

We nod and stand to the side, out of sight as Neville opens another picture door.

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