Post War Pt 11

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One Month Later...

The morning sunlight filtered through the windows of the Burrow, casting a warm glow over the bustling activity within. As I sat at the vanity, surrounded by my closest friends, excitement bubbled within me, chasing away any traces of nerves.

Hermione, my loyal maid of honor, worked diligently on my hair, weaving intricate twists and delicate curls with practiced precision. "You look stunning, Nimah," she said with a smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Severus won't know what hit him when he sees you."

I laughed, feeling a surge of joy at her words. "Thank you, Hermione," I replied, reaching out to squeeze her hand affectionately. "I can't believe today is finally here. It feels like a dream."

Ginny, Fleur, Harry, Ron, and Dean bustled around the room, their energy infectious as they helped with the final preparations. They laughed and joked, their camaraderie filling the room with warmth and laughter.

Looking down at my white short pajama dress, adorned with delicate lace and shimmering embroidery, I couldn't help but marvel at the surrealness of the moment. Today was the day I would marry the man I loved more than anything in the world, surrounded by the people who meant the most to us.

Despite the unconventional arrangement of our bridal party, it felt perfect, a reflection of the unique bond shared between Severus and me. We had faced challenges and overcome obstacles together, and today, we would celebrate our love and commitment in front of our loved ones. Part of my bridal party was Hermione as my Maid of honor, Dean, Harry, Ron, Fleur, and Ginny. For Severus McGonagoll as the Best Woman, Draco and Mr. Weasley.

As the final touches were made, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. "I can't believe this is happening," I exclaimed, my voice filled with joy. "I'm ready to marry the love of my life.

Dean came up to Hermuone and I and smiled warmly. "You're going to be the most beautiful bride," he said, his voice soft with emotion. "Severus is a lucky man."

I stood up and hugged him "Thank you so much for being such a good friend Dean, I'm so happy your here"

People started to head downstairs for breakfast that Molly made. With a deep breath, I took one last look in the mirror, my heart overflowing with love and anticipation.

As I joined my bridal party in the kitchen for a quick breakfast, the air was filled with laughter and excitement. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries filled the room, making my stomach grumble.

Ginny, Hermione, Fleur, and the rest of my bridespeople chatted animatedly as they enjoyed their breakfast, their voices blending together in a joyful cacophony. Plates clinked and mugs clattered as we shared stories and reminisced about the memories that had brought us to this moment.

Hardy grinned mischievously as he nudged Hermione playfully. "Can you believe our little Nimah is getting married today?" He exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Hermione chuckled, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I know, it feels like just yesterday we were sneaking around Hogwarts together going on missions," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "Time really does fly."

Fleur, elegant and poised as ever, raised her glass in a toast. "To love, laughter, and happily ever after," she said, her voice tinged with emotion. "May today be the beginning of a lifetime of happiness for Nimah and Severus."

We all raised our glasses in agreement, the clink of crystal echoing through the room. As we sipped our drinks, the excitement continued to build, anticipation mounting with each passing moment.

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