Year 6 Pt 18

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I reclined by the fire, attempting to read my book, but thoughts of him lingered. The room was empty for about an hour before others started to trickle in.

"Niamh!" Hermione yelled, dashing in with two bags full of stuff. I stood up, and she immediately enveloped me in a hug, almost squeezing the life out of me.

"Hermione, it's been like 5 hours," I chuckled.

She laughed, breaking away. Ron and Harry entered shortly after, both appearing somber.

"Don't mind those two, we saw Ginny at the Three Broomsticks with Dean Thomas," she whispered.

Harry always had a soft spot for Ginny, and both Hermione and I were well aware of it. It was amusing watching them navigate their feelings over the past few years, but sometimes Harry didn't grasp the depth of his emotions until he saw her with another man.

"Why don't you guys put your bags away, and we can head down to dinner?" I suggested as Harry and Ron joined us.

Their eager nods were met with a chuckle from both Hermione and me as they hurriedly went off to deposit their bags. It was a brief moment of levity amid the unspoken tension around Harry's feelings for Ginny.


The Great Hall buzzed with lively chatter, students animatedly sharing their Hogsmeade finds. As a member of the Quidditch team, our meal was a hurried affair, knowing we had practice at 7. I quickly consumed my food, eager to change and prepare for the much-anticipated return to watching the team in action.

Sitting out practices had been challenging, but the excitement of rejoining the team after today fueled my anticipation.

Dressing for practice, I layered my enchanted black long sleeve under the Quidditch jersey, opting for leggings and thick black sweatpants. Anticipation bubbled as I awaited Ginny's company, and together, we made our way down to the pitch.

Teasing Ginny about Dean, I couldn't resist a playful wink and nudge, eliciting laughter from her. "Stop it, Niamh, you're causing a scene!" she teased, gently pushing me aside. "Well, he is very nice. I wish the best for you," I said, grinning. Ginny's appreciative smile warmed the brisk air between us.

Practice unfolded on the chilly pitch, layers barely fending off the cold. The scrimmage itself was intense, filled with sharp maneuvers, precise passes, and soaring goals, showcasing the synergy that had developed within the team. My anticipation grew, eager to fully rejoin the Quidditch action. Since it was a scrimmage day, I opted to run around the inside of the pitch to keep warm. Each lap, I felt the chill biting through despite my layers.

As Harry rallied the team, his motivational words served as a prelude to an announcement. "I am very pleased to say that Niamh will be officially back and playing with us tomorrow!" The cheers erupted, teammates patting me on the back, and applause filled the air. Blushing, I basked in the warmth of feeling loved by my team.

After an invigorating Quidditch practice, Harry and I diligently stowed away the equipment, wrapping up our task with swift efficiency. The cool evening air surrounded us as we made our way back inside Hogwarts.

Breaking the companionable silence, Harry's face lit up with enthusiasm. "So, today, while we were at the Three Broomsticks, Professor Slughorn invited us to his 'Slug Club Christmas party.' Hermione and Ron are already going, and we're allowed to bring a plus one, so... would you join me?"

Gratitude filled my expression as I smiled warmly. "Yes, of course, Harry! Thank you for inviting me. When is it?" I sensed that the invitation was more about shared company than the party itself. Besides, Harry felt like a brother to me.

"Next Sunday. Formal attire only," he mimicked with a playful tone, echoing Slughorn's instructions.

Our laughter echoed through the corridor before we transitioned our conversation to Quidditch, engaging in animated chatter for the remainder of our journey back to the castle.


Rising with anticipation, I found it nearly impossible to sleep the night before, my excitement for the day ahead bubbling within me. By 6 in the morning, I was already up and about, eager to embrace the day. After the routine of brushing my teeth and styling my hair into two neat Dutch braids, I changed into maroon joggers and a plain black sweatshirt, as I didn't have Quidditch practice until noon.

With time to spare, I grabbed my nearly finished book and headed to the common area, determined to complete the last 100 pages before the rest of the dorm woke up. An hour later, I closed the book, the concluding words leaving me in awe.

Having a bit of extra time on my hands, I decided to pen a letter to my parents, realizing I hadn't communicated with them since the accident. It felt like the right moment to reach out and update them on my life at Hogwarts.

Dearest Mum and Dad,

I find myself missing you both immensely! Since my last letter, things have taken a turn for the better. As of today, I am allowed back to play Quidditch, and the sheer excitement is enough to make me feel like I'm over the moon! My classes are progressing smoothly, but I eagerly await the end of the semester. Christmas is fast approaching, and I can hardly believe it! I'm looking forward to returning home for the holidays.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I are doing wonderfully, and our bond has never been stronger. I hope work has been going smoothly for both of you, especially during the holiday season. Please remember not to overwork yourselves! Your sacrifices for me are always in my thoughts, and I am truly grateful for the opportunities you've provided.

much love,

Niamh Donnelly


After leaving my letter at the Owlery, I encountered Neville Longbottom ascending the narrow staircase.

"Good morning, Neville!" I greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Niamh! I heard you're finally cleared today! I'm so happy and excited for you!" His smile mirrored my enthusiasm. Neville's genuine and caring nature always shines through; any girl would be fortunate to have him.

"Yes, I'm thrilled! Thanks for remembering! How is your grandmother doing?"

"She's good; holidays are hard for her, so I try to keep in touch with her a lot," he shares, holding up his letter.

"Aww, I'm so sorry, Neville. She's very lucky to have you as a grandson."

He smiles, and I wave as I make my way back down. Returning to the Gryffindor common room, I encounter Severus walking towards me.

"Good morning, Professor," I greeted Severus with a warm smile. He walked right past me without acknowledging my presence. Confused and a bit hurt, I wondered what I might have done to elicit such a reaction. Shaking off the unease, I decided not to let it dampen my spirits on this special day and continued on my way.

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