Deathly Hallows Pt 10

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My legs felt like they were dragging against a familiar ground, the crunching snow beneath and the occasional snap of twigs beneath my weight. In the distance, birds sang their melodies, creating a haunting contrast to my dire situation.

Suddenly, I found myself back in the woods. A surge of realization hit me—the sinister plan orchestrated by Voldemort. I had to protect Harry. Struggling to open my eyes, I realized a blindfold obstructed my vision. My wrists were tightly bound in front of me.

"Let me go!" I cried out, desperation lacing my voice.

The two figures dragging me remained silent, fueling my growing anger. Voices among them discussed the proximity to their campsite.

"How much farther to their campsite?" a man queried.

"Not much longer," came the response.

Driven by a surge of determination, I screamed in an attempt to make my presence known. I had to save my friends.

"Shut the fuck up," the man on my right hissed in my ear.

Refusing to be silenced, I jabbed him in the ribs, causing him to release his grip, gasping for air. Seizing the moment, I punched the guy on the left with both fists, his yelp of pain music to my ears. I took this as my chance to escape, ripping the blindfold off and sprinting.

Fifteen steps later, a powerful force yanked me to the ground. Gasping for air under the heavy weight, I screamed in pain. As the pressure lifted, I was flipped over, my back now against the cold ground.

Squinting through the pain, I saw a man with blood dripping down his nose—a testament to my earlier resistance. Pride flickered briefly until he hoisted me up, making me acutely aware of my pain.

"Fucking bitch," he spat in my face, retaliating with a punch to my left eye.

"Don't pass out, Niamh. Don't pass out," I muttered to myself, struggling to stay conscious.

"Let's go," he grunted, and the other man caught up, seizing my other arm. We continued our painful journey. With my head facing the ground, I conserved energy, appreciating the snow dragging beneath my feet and the muted warmth of the natural sunlight filtering through the trees. Even in the darkest moments, small joys could be found amid the turmoil.

"Ok, we're close," someone muttered behind us.

The men stopped, and I was unceremoniously dropped to the ground, a groan escaping my lips. Alone in the cold silence of the wintry woods, I curled up in a fetal position, feeling the cold snow tingle against my right side, offering an odd sense of solace amid the impending chaos.

A twig snapped, jolting me from my thoughts. I lifted my head, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"N-Niamh?" a voice stammered.

My heart sank as I recognized the all-too-familiar tone. "Harry," I whispered back, locking eyes with him.

He stood seven feet away, his eyes wide with horror and confusion, framed by his skinny, tired appearance—haunting details that would linger in my consciousness. Slowly rising to my feet to face him, both of us turned pale in the chilling air.

"Is it just you?" I asked.

"Niamh, oh my god. Yes. They're off doing something. What happened?!" he started walking toward me.

Screw it, Niamh.

Summoning all my willpower and strength, I attempted to enter Harry's mind. "Harry, stop. It's a trap. Apparate out while you still can. Follow my lead."

He immediately halted, locking eyes with me. I offered a faint smile and nod, signaling that I would be alright. Then, with a purposeful collapse, I hit the ground, partially due to my weakness but mainly for the sake of the act.

"Go now. Say you'll be right back. Don't come back."

"Niamh! I'll go bring help. I'll be right back!" he shouted.

With that, he Apparated away, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Black smoke enveloped the area as Death Eaters emerged from their hiding spots.

Bellatrix loomed over me, a sinister smirk on her face. "See, it wasn't that hard. Too bad you couldn't save him," she laughed, lifting her leg menacingly. "Bring her back."


Her foot descended onto my face, and everything went black.


Pain engulfed me, every inch of my face felt swollen, and an overwhelming pressure throbbed relentlessly from my nose. The thought of opening my eyes seemed futile; I could predict the agony it would bring.

As awareness seeped into my consciousness, the harsh reality of my surroundings hit me like a tidal wave. I was chained to the wall, my hands suspended above my head. This very spot bore witness to an unsettling tapestry of trauma and pain, and the memories flooded my mind.

Involuntary tremors wracked my body, a manifestation of the emotions that threatened to consume me. Waves of intense heat radiated through my being, as if I were burning from the inside out.

"Please," I sobbed, the plea escaping my lips, a desperate cry echoing in the cold, unforgiving space. The weight of my suffering was unbearable, a cruel reminder of the relentless torment that had unfolded in this accursed place.

A massive hand landed on the crown of my head, the sheer force commanding my involuntary shaking to cease. Tear-streaked eyes, filled with terror, met the gaze of the imposing figure that towered over me. His hand, once a feigned gesture of reassurance, embarked on a journey down my face, fingertips gently tracing my cheeks. As it traversed the descent, a chilling transformation occurred – his once gentle touch metamorphosed into an unyielding grip, seizing my chin in a vise-like hold.

"I've heard enough out of you today. You forget you're in my house," his voice, laced with menace, sliced through the air. The fingers on my jaw tightened, asserting dominance. "You will obey me," he snarled, the weight of his authority palpable.

A flinch betrayed my unease at the mention of his house. Lucius Malfoy, already a formidable presence, unleashed a side of himself I had never witnessed before, plunging me into the depths of fear.

His vice-like grip disrupted my train of thought, prompting a hesitant attempt at a response. "Yes, Mr—" I began, but my words were abruptly cut off as he yanked my head closer, demanding submission. "You address me as Sir."

"Yes, Sir," I stuttered, tears unabated, a continuous stream marking my anguish. With a release of his grip, he taunted, "Good girl," his words sending a shiver down my spine, a testament to the repulsion I felt.

As my tears gradually subsided, weakness overcame me. I leaned my head back against the cold, unforgiving wall, closing my eyes in a desperate attempt to escape the living nightmare that had become my reality.



HI GUYS!!! I'm so sorry about the infrequent posting! My life has been crazy :) THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR 5K READS!!!!!!!! IM OVER THE MOON OF HAPPINESS!!! I love each and every single one of you Snape lovers🖤 thank you for all of your support. Thank you for the likes, comments and for reading this story!!! Much love💟

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