Deathly Hallows Pt 24

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Cloaked in Gryffindor robes and seamlessly blended into the stream of students, Harry and I join the clandestine march toward the Great Hall. The air crackles with whispers and murmurs, and confusion. The rumors of Harry Potter's presence at Hogwarts circulating among the curious students.

As we move with purpose, there's an unspoken solidarity among us, a shared understanding of the gravity of the situation. The hushed conversations and exchanged glances underscore the tension that hangs in the air. In this clandestine march, we resemble an army.

The Great Hall looms ahead, and with each step, the anticipation intensifies. The rhythmic cadence of our march echoes through the stone corridors, a muted but determined symphony of footsteps, a collective heartbeat pulsating beneath the surface of normalcy.

The Great Hall stands in eerie quietude, the rows of students forming a sea of subdued anticipation. The ambient tension is thick, almost tangible, as Death Eaters and the Carrows create a foreboding perimeter around the hall, their presence casting long shadows on the polished stone floor. The other professors scatter along the hall as well.

Suddenly, the heavy wooden door swings open, breaking the oppressive stillness. Snape enters with an unmistakable air of authority, his long, dark cloak swirling with each confident step. The resonance of his footsteps echoes through the cavernous space, underscoring the gravity of the moment.

As he strides to the front of the hall, the eyes of every student follow him, their expressions revealing a complex mix of emotions – curiosity, nervousness, anxiety scared. Snape's cold, sweeping gaze encompasses the assembly, his presence amplifying the palpable sense of uncertainty that hangs in the air. The Great Hall, once a sanctuary of camaraderie and learning, now bears witness to a chapter of Hogwarts defined by fear and the heavy hand of authority.

Ascending a couple of steps, Snape pauses and turns to face the assembled students. The elevated position adds a touch of authority to his figure, casting a commanding silhouette against the backdrop of the Great Hall. The hush deepens as all eyes remain fixed on him, a sea of faces awaiting the words that will shape the course of their uncertain future. The stillness in the hall mirrors the uneasy anticipation that permeates the atmosphere, amplifying the weight of Snape's impending address. I grab Harry's hand for support and comfort.

He addresses the hall "Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening... Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade."

Whispers break out amongst the students, but Snape quickly shut it down "Now...should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manor consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events... who fails to come forward will be treated as equally guilty. Now then..."
He starts walking by the rows "If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening... I invite them to step forward... now"

A profound stillness envelops the room, rendering everyone motionless. Abruptly, Harry's grip on my hand wrenches free, and he strides forward, claiming the center. Gasps reverberate through the entire room, and everyone clears out, letting Snape and Harry face off. I fixate on Snape's countenance. For a fleeting moment, guilt shadows his features, etched on his face, only to swiftly revert to its emotionless facade. I move closer to see the encounter better.

Harry looks up at Snape "It seems, despite your
exhaustive defensive strategies you still have a bit of
security problem, headmaster."

The doors open and all the members of the order come in.

"And I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!" Harry yells

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