Year 6 Pt 25

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As the day unfolded, the Hogwarts corridors buzzed with excitement as students prepared to leave for Christmas break. Amidst the hustle, our group gathered for a heartfelt farewell.

"I'll miss you guys!" I exclaimed, pulling them into a warm group hug.

"We will too. I wish you could come to the Burrow with us," Ron expressed with genuine regret.

"Ok, you guys better go. I'll see you next year!" I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Laughter filled the air as they left, each of them heading off to spend the holidays with loved ones. Watching my best friends depart left a tinge of sadness, though I knew it wasn't their fault. With a sigh, I acknowledged that dinner would be served soon but opted for a quick run before settling in.

Dressed in black leggings and a cropped long sleeve, I tied my hair into a high ponytail, completing the look with a thick black headband to cover my ears. The rhythmic pounding of my footsteps provided solace as I navigated the empty corridors, the echoes of departing friends lingering in the air.


My evening run was a swift yet refreshing endeavor, and with a voracious appetite, I made my way to the Great Hall. The typically bustling space was quieter than usual, Gryffindor being sparsely populated. Opting for solitude, I took a seat alone.

Dinner consisted of a delightful serving of spaghetti paired with succulent mangos, creating a feast for my senses. A small, sweet cookie provided the perfect finishing touch to my meal.

While savoring the last bites, an uncanny feeling of being observed washed over me. Turning my gaze toward the teachers' table, I discovered the source: Severus. A mischievous smirk graced my lips, and with deliberate slowness, I rose from my seat. Ensuring he could appreciate my side profile, I reached down to grab my wand before standing tall.

Leaving the Great Hall, I embarked on a journey to surprise him in his classroom. To my astonishment, as I entered, there he was, already present, turning the tables on my intended surprise.

Severus wore a sly smirk as he remarked, "That was quite a show you gave at dinner."

Responding in kind, I quipped, "Yes, it was. I'm glad you enjoyed the view."

With an intriguing challenge in his eyes, he suggested, "Why don't you give me another one," each word carefully enunciated.

Feeling a gulp escape my throat, I put on a fake smile. Deciding to play the game, I walked over to where he was seated, positioning myself just out of his reach, adding an extra layer of intrigue to our exchange.

"What would you like me to do" I whisper seductively

"Come over here" he commanded.

"Why, is there a lesson planned?" I talk back

"Yes, it's to follow instructions Miss Donnelly, now come here" he growled

I slowly walked over, my eyes never leaving his. I stop when I'm right in front of him. He turns his chair so it is facing me and not to his desk. He spreads his legs and smirks. "Pick one"

My face reddens, "Right"

"Sit facing me" he grumbles

I sit down so I'm straddling his right leg. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean to kiss him but I end up kissing his pointer finger. "Not so fast, you wanted to play a game today Niamh, and a game you shall get."

"What would you like me to do?" I unwrap my arms around him.

"I think you can tell from the position you are in" he says, looking down at his leg then back up.

I gulp, feeling slightly embarrassed. I start to rock back and forth on his leg, my clit already feeling good. My breathing starts to intensify, but I keep my mouth shut.

He starts to tap his right foot allowing a moan to escape me. He smirks "enjoying ourselves"

I smile at him and without stopping I slowly take off my shirt and throw it off to the side. I pick up my pace and wrap my arms around his neck, leaning my mouth to his ear letting myself moan freely.

I start to kiss his ear, fuck I'm close

"Remember our rules Niamh" he grunts.

"Yes s-sir" my moves are beginning to get sloppy, and I accidentally slightly bump my knee into his erection. He leans his head back and groans.

This pushes me over the edge "Severus can I come" I almost yell

He lifts his head back up and grabs my neck with one hand, slightly choking me "yes" he mutters

My body starts to shake as pleasure surges all over my body. "Thank you!" I moan.

My breath slowed to a stop, gasping for air. His grip on my neck loosened, and I collapsed into his arms. Resting my head on his shoulder, my arms clung tightly around him. In response, he enveloped me in a comforting embrace, and we shared a moment of serene silence.

After a few minutes, I gently pulled away from the hug. "What about you?" I inquired.

"Don't worry about me, Niamh," he reassured, his tone carrying a mysterious weight.

Fuck I feel bad. I need to return the favor

"You know, nobody will know if I don't make it back to my dormitory tonight" I smirk

"Is there something on your mind, Niamh?" His fingers traced along my stomach.

"Yeah, um, can I stay the night? Please?" I emphasized, a hopeful tone in my voice.

"Very well," he agreed with a smile. I hugged him tightly, catching him off guard at first, but he soon responded in kind. In a sudden move, he scooped me up in his arms, carrying me bridal-style as he walked to his room. Laughter escaped me as he playfully threw me onto the bed, and we shared smiles in the comfort of his quarters.

I grab the pillow behind me and playfully hit him with it.

"How mature," he remarks.

"Thanks!" I joke. He smirks, removing his robe before getting into bed. I rest my head on his chest, idly playing with the buttons on his shirt while he gently strokes my hair. The room is filled with a sense of ease and comfort as we enjoy each other's company.

In the tranquil stillness, our quiet moments together become a sanctuary of shared comfort.

"Thank you," I whisper, my words carrying the weight of appreciation.

"Your beauty is truly captivating, Niamh," he murmurs, his gaze gentle as he speaks. A subtle smile plays on my lips, and as the serenity wraps around us, he continues softly, "Rest well, my dear."

With those words lingering in the air, sleep gradually claims its place, cocooning us in the soothing embrace of the night.

Isn't He Lovely-Professor SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now