Post War Pt 2

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As my eyes fluttered open, the absence of Severus's familiar presence registered. Glancing at the clock, which displayed 6 pm, I sensed that I had dozed off for a while. The enticing aroma wafting through the air led me to the kitchen, where I discovered Severus in the midst of preparing a delicious meal – chicken caprese. The culinary masterpiece showcased not only his magical prowess but also his thoughtful care for me.

I approached him with a grateful smile, intending to take over and make dinner, but before I could express my willingness, Severus gently kissed my forehead.

"No need to worry, my love. Tonight, I'll take care of you," he insisted with a tenderness that warmed my heart.

I found a comfortable spot at the kitchen counter, watching as Severus moved with grace and skill, effortlessly navigating the various ingredients. The soothing sizzle of the cooking chicken and the rich scent of herbs filled the room, creating a comforting ambiance.

As he worked, Severus engaged in casual conversation, sharing snippets of our day and what he is looking forward to. The ease with which we conversed reflected the newfound tranquility that surrounded us. It was a simple yet profound moment – one where the act of preparing a meal became an expression of love and care.

When the chicken caprese was ready, Severus served the plates with a touch of elegance. We settled at the dining table, the flickering candlelight casting a warm glow. It was a shared meal, but more than that, it was a reflection of the life we were building together, marked by quiet moments of joy, nourishing not just our bodies but our souls.

As we enjoyed the delectable dish, the evening unfolded in tons of laughter, shared stories, and the assurance that in each other's company, we had found a home.

Seated at the dining table, we indulged in the exquisite chicken caprese that Severus had prepared. The flavors danced on our tongues, each dish showcasing his culinary skills.

Severus raised his glass, the deep red wine catching the candlelight. "To us," he proposed, a twinkle in his eyes.

I mirrored his gesture, clinking our glasses together. "To us," I echoed, a heartfelt smile gracing my lips.

In the midst of the shared repast, Severus leaned in, his voice a soft murmur. "Have I mentioned how much I love living with you, and how much I love you?" he confessed, his eyes expressing a depth of gratitude.

I chuckled, feeling the warmth of his sentiment. "You may have mentioned it a time or two," I teased, a playful glint in my eyes. "But I never tire of hearing it."

The air was filled with contentment as we finished our delightful dinner, and with a wave of our wands, the dishes levitated to the sink, arranging themselves in an orderly manner. The clinking of plates and glasses ceased as the kitchen transformed from a bustling dining space to a serene haven.

Severus grinned, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. "I must admit, magic certainly does make cleaning up a more pleasant task," he remarked, his wand swirling with practiced precision.

I chuckled in agreement, watching as the remnants of our meal disappeared into the sink. "It's like having our own little cleaning brigade," I added, swirling my wand in tandem with his.

With a final flick, the last dish settled into place, and we exchanged satisfied glances. The kitchen, once alive with the aroma of cooking, now exuded a sense of accomplishment and domestic tranquility.

Severus stood, stretching slightly. "I think I'll retire to the reading nook for a while," he announced, gathering the books he had brought to the table.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," I replied, a smile playing on my lips. "I'll join you in a bit. Just need to freshen up with a quick shower."

Severus nodded, his expression tender. "Take your time. I'll be there, engrossed in a good book."

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