Deathly Hallows Pt 21

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The sensation of wet sand against my skin is both grounding and disorienting as I find myself on a serene beach. The grains cling to me, their cool touch offering a tactile reassurance amidst the lingering chaos. A gentle beach breeze carries the salty tang of the sea, brushing against my face like a soothing caress. The rhythmic sound of the tide, steadily approaching, adds a calming cadence to the scene, contrasting the tumultuous events we've just escaped.

Gasping for air, I attempt to take in the beauty of the coastal landscape, but the sharp pain in my stomach demands attention. It radiates through me, and I find myself doubled over, clutching my abdomen. The calm environment turns into a stage for my own physical pain, a contrast between peace and suffering on the beach's sand.

As the tide begins to recede, leaving behind crimson-stained water, a sudden realization grips me with a sense of dread. The liquid surrounding me is not just the remnants of the sea; it's my own blood, tainted by an unseen wound. I glance down at my stomach nervously, knowing before I even had to look what it was: a knife. As the waves sweep the proof of our ordeal away, leaving only a disconcerting reminder of the price we had to pay for our freedom, a frightening awareness descends.

As I lie on the beach, the red-stained water lapping at the shore, Harry and Dobby rush over to me. Harry, frantic and desperate, props me up, his hands trembling with urgency. Dobby, a mix of concern and calm, hovers nearby, his large eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Harry's voice trembles as he says, "Hold on, Niamh. We're here. We're going to help you." He moves my head closer to his body, while desperately looking at Dobby to help.

"Harry" I whisper

He moves his hand to hold my cheek, "it's ok Niamh, I'm here"

"Harry... everything's calm, the pains gone" I smile

Dobby speaks in his soft tone, "Dobby will do what he can to help, Harry Potter." His hands hover over me, ready to channel his healing powers.

In a moment of surprising tranquility, I manage a murmur while my eyelids start to grow heavy, "Harry, I missed you so much." The words, spoken with serene affection, hang in the air like a fragile melody.

Harry's expression tightens with a mix of emotions. "Niamh, we're getting you out of this, just please" he chokes "please stay with me," he declares, his determination unwavering. With gentle precision, he extracts the knife from my stomach, his hands stained with my blood.

Dobby, now focused on his healing abilities, begins to channel his magic. The beach becomes a surreal tableau of frantic efforts and serene acceptance. As the healing power envelops me, I feel a fleeting warmth, and then everything fades to black as unconsciousness claims me. The last sensation is the echo of Harry's name, uttered in a whisper, a tether connecting me to the world before the final descent into darkness.


As I slowly open my eyes, the soft glow of daylight filters into the room, revealing a serene and plain yet beautiful setting. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore fills the air, and a refreshing breeze carries the unmistakable scent of the sea. The room, adorned in a plain, but subtle beach theme, resonates with a tranquil ambiance that envelops me in a cocoon of peace.

I take in the simple beauty of the space—the muted colors of sand and sky, the subtle décor echoing the coastal landscape. The realization slowly dawns, washing over me like a wave of joy—I'm not in the confines of Malfoy Manor. The escape, the beach, my friends—it wasn't a dream. A profound sense of relief and gratitude wells up within me, and a genuine smile graces my face.

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