Year 6 Pt 9

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The morning arrived swiftly, following a late night that had treated me to a peaceful sleep in the comforting embrace of my own bed, free from the haunting grip of nightmares.

I'm still getting used to the crutches but I decided to get ready now so I don't have to come up and down all the time. I decided to wear my Gryffindor sweater today and my normal skirt. Since I am tall the skirt does appear to be on the shorter side, but it's still not revealing enough, and anyways most girls purposefully do this.

For my hair I decided to do my usual which is loose curls in a half up half down, but today I decided on just the lose curls to make it easier.

Tired of concealing the bruises on my face, I decided it was time to stop hiding. While I didn't wish to showcase my injuries to the world, I also didn't want to keep them shrouded in secrecy.

With a newfound resolve, I began my morning routine. Carefully applying mascara and attending to my eyebrows, I sought a balance between minimal grooming and embracing my natural appearance. The act of getting ready became a form of self-empowerment, a declaration that I wouldn't let the bruises dictate how I presented myself.

After this, I moved on to the basics, methodically brushing my teeth, each motion deliberate. Finally, I felt ready to face the day. Eager to spend time in the common room before making my way to breakfast on crutches, I embraced a sense of self-assuredness, determined not to let external marks define my demeanor.

Descending slowly, I couldn't escape the collective gaze of curious eyes that followed my every move. It felt as if I were a delicate glass figurine, on the verge of shattering at any given moment.

"Morning, guys! Missed waking up like this!" I greeted them with a cheerful tone, determined to convey that despite my visible struggles, I was still the same person, and they need not treat me with undue fragility.

In response, smiles blossomed across the room. Hermione, always considerate, shifted to make room for me. I settled onto a two-person couch beside her, propping my leg up. Across from us, a table separated another two-person couch where Ron and Harry sat.

"Ready for your first day back?" Harry inquired.

"Absolutely! I've always had a soft spot for school, and now, thanks to Hermione," I playfully squeezed her arm and shot her a quick smile, "I'm all caught up and ready to learn!" Laughter erupted, a welcome sound that echoed the camaraderie we once shared. In that moment, I couldn't help but revel in the nostalgia of the old us, grateful for the familiar bond that still lingered.


As I sat down for breakfast, the atmosphere was notably improved from the previous night's dinner. Despite the lingering whispers and gossip, I chose to feign ignorance, focusing on my meal and the chatter around me. Navigating the Great Hall, I couldn't escape the curious glances, but I pressed on, determined not to let the speculation affect me.

As I ambled, my gaze drifted to the teacher's table, where my eyes locked with Professor Snape's. There was an air of weariness about him, evident in the lines etched across his face. I found myself contemplating the reasons behind his restless night. In that moment, my expression softened, a subtle change that seemed to catch his attention. Our eyes held for a brief, shared moment before he averted his gaze. A twinge of disappointment settled in my chest, but I quickly brushed it aside, unwilling to let it cast a shadow over my day.


As I navigated through the school corridors, a wave of warmth enveloped me as teachers greeted me with hugs, expressing their genuine delight at my return. Their words echoed with sentiments of how much they had missed me and their gratitude for my presence once again. It was a reassuring reminder of the supportive community within Hogwarts.

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