Year 6 Pt 14

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*TW! There is throw up in this chapter, I will warn in advance!

Awakening at 6:00 AM with a throbbing headache, I reached for the muggle medicine my mom packed. After some ibuprofen, the headache subsided. In the bathroom, I freshened up—brushing my hair and teeth before changing into a black long-sleeve shirt and comfy grey sweatpants.

Heading down to the common room, I found a manageable mess from the previous night. With a flick of my wand, cups and trash returned to their proper places, and furniture was rearranged. Satisfied, I sat down and whispered, "Accio book," bringing War and Peace into my lap. Immersed in the captivating story, I read for an hour until 7:30.

Deciding it was time for breakfast, I strolled to the hall. Few students were present as I sat down, book cover facing up, enjoying my morning meal in serene silence.

In the serene quietude of my solitary breakfast, an uncommon tranquility enveloped me. Morning meals alone weren't my preference, but I recognized the necessity, particularly nursing the remnants of a hangover.

Savoring a bowl of fruit, I sensed a fleeting gust of wind, heralding Professor Snape's arrival.

"What are your thoughts on the book, Miss. Donnelly?" His voice, cool and measured, carried an underlying tension.

"Good morning, Professor! I actually really like it. While it's long, I feel like I'm learning more about how to view the world than about the war," I responded, attempting to match his poise while sensing an unspoken intensity in the air.

His gaze, intense and penetrating, meets mine, and in that moment, my heart undergoes an inexplicable expansion. Unspoken words echo within me. I miss you.

"I have always wanted to read it, Miss. Donnelly. Perhaps—" he pauses, and the air thickens with anticipation "you could come by my classroom after breakfast to discuss the book with me," his gaze sharp, as though deciphering a code.

"I would love that, Professor," I respond, a smile escaping before I can contain it.

"Very well," he says, and as he retreats, I swiftly conceal my smile, wary of any misinterpretation.

As I return my gaze to the book, my thoughts linger on him, my heart fluttering in the aftermath of an unexpected encounter.


TW-throw up!!

I saw him leave about 5 minutes ago.
I should be in the clear. I stand up and walk out of the great hall. It took everything in me to not run right to his room and hug him.

With cautious steps, I made my way to his room, knocking three times.

He opens the door quickly. "To what do I owe this pleasure, Miss. Donnelly?"

"Oh, sorry, good morning, sir. I was just wondering if you would like to hear about this book I'm reading, 'War and Peace'?"

"Very well," he moves his body so I can walk in. The classroom was empty. I hear the door close, and I turn to face him.

"I don't want to talk about the book," I blurted out.

He lifts one of his eyebrows and stares at me. "That was the plan, Niamh," he says and walks over to me.

My insides light up when I hear him call me by my name.

He is standing right in front of me, his eyes locked with mine. I stand on my tip toes and lean up to kiss him. He quickly follows, his hands rest on my hips while I rub his back. The world seems to fade away as we embrace, lost in the moment.

Our lips were like one, knowing exactly what to do. He gently bites my lower lip, making me moan. I can feel him smiling .

His hands travel down and start to massage my bum. We pull apart for a second, catching our breath

"Pick me up please" I whisper

His hands are still on my bum so I jump slightly, locking my legs around his waist. He starts to kiss my jawline, I take my chance and brush his hair from his ear and nibble at his ear. I hear him groan, making me smile.

He walks to his desk and sits down. I stop kissing him, looking at eye level with him.

My heart is beating fast, and I'm getting super hot. The air in the room is charged with a mix of tension and anticipation. I see a subtle longing in his eyes, a silent plea for something more. As I look into his dark gaze, I can sense the deep connection between us, the unspoken desire to be together, tangled with the constraints of our roles. I stare at him as a very slowly take my long sleeve on until it's just my white sports bra. I'm a little self conscious, there are light scar marks from the accident, but they're barley noticeable.

His eyes widen and I can feel his erection building up. I grab his hand, pulling it up from my bum and place it over my bra. I lean over and continue to kiss him, sticking my tongue in slightly.

He is massaging my one breast, and occasionally squeezing it, sending shivers down my spine.

I suddenly start to feel really nauseous, and I pull away. I feel my face sweating, and I probably look super pale.

He looks at me with a knowing expression, sensing what is about to happen.

"Follow me," he commands. I sit up, grappling with the rising nausea, unsure if I'll make it to a trash can in time. The room feels like it's spinning as I struggle to regain composure, hoping to conceal my discomfort.

He is practically running, and we arrive at his private quarters, entering his bathroom. Everything is black or sage green. The ambiance, though unexpected, oddly feels homey, casting a calming aura over the otherwise sleek space.

The bathroom is immaculately arranged. Polished tiles glisten under subtle, soft lighting. A large mirror framed in dark wood hangs above the sink, reflecting the tranquility of the surroundings. The scent of a soothing lavender candle wafts through the air.

I kneel in front of the pristine toilet, my hands gripping the cool rims. I feel my hair being gently pulled up, and with that, I throw up. Despite the discomfort, Professor Snape stays close, massaging my back in a comforting rhythm.

"It's alright, Niamh. Just let it out," he reassures me, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Breathe. You'll feel better soon."

His supportive presence and soothing words bring a sense of reassurance, making the unpleasant experience a bit more bearable.


*End of TW*

We sat there for a half hour, just to make sure. My pale face started to regain its color, and the queasiness gradually subsided.

"Sir, I'm so sorry. This is so embarrassing," I muttered, avoiding eye contact. He had just witnessed an unflattering side of me, and I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I despised being sick.

Tears began welling up in my eyes. He gently lifted my chin, turning it to meet his gaze. As he released my chin, his thumb delicately wiped away the tears. Overwhelmed with emotions, I leaned into him, enveloping him in a hug while tears streamed down my face. He stroked my hair soothingly, murmuring encouraging phrases to ease my distress.

I stopped crying after a few minutes, but I didn't want to let go of the moment. I lingered, absorbing the comfort and care he provided.

After a while, I reluctantly pulled away, realizing the time. Glancing at my watch, it read 10:30.

"I need to go back to my dorm. I'm going to take a nap and brush my teeth," I mentioned, feeling a bit self-conscious about my breath.

"Thank you, sir, for everything," I whispered, expressing my gratitude. With that, I walked out of the room, hastily putting on my long sleeve shirt.

Entering the dormitory, I went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Examining myself in the mirror, my eyes were still puffy from crying.

Climbing into bed, I pulled the covers over my face and fell asleep, pretending I was still wrapped in Snape's comforting embrace.

Isn't He Lovely-Professor SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now