Deathly Hallows Pt 2

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"Happy Christmas, everyone!" I joyfully exclaim, my hushed voice carrying through the stillness of the dark night.

Despite the fact that everyone is still in the embrace of slumber, and the outside world cloaked in darkness, I can't resist the urge to share the Christmas spirit. These times are tough, and a touch of holiday cheer might just be the remedy we all need.

In the aftermath of Harry and Hermione's visit to Godric's Hollow a few days ago, Ron and I chose to remain behind. Their visit involved discussions about Harry's pilgrimage to his parents' graves and the retelling of their harrowing encounter with the snake. The emotional weight of the cemetery visit left Harry visibly affected, prompting us to give him the space he needed while making sure he knew we were there for him.

Ron groans and shifts to his side, muttering, "Eh, screw Christmas, Niamh."

"Come on, guys, get up! I have gifts for you!" I announce, my voice carrying a tinge of excitement.

Their attention is instantly drawn, and the three of them abruptly sit up.

"What is it?" Ron inquires.

"Oh, what happened to 'screw Christmas'?" I playfully tease.

"Yeah, yeah, get on with it!" he retorts.

With a newfound sense of curiosity, they climb out of their beds and gather around me in the center of our tent. As I unveil a bag filled with an assortment of fresh fruits, their eyes widen in surprise and appreciation.

"Thank you, Niamh!" Ron exclaims, savoring a mouthful of berries, his face lit up with gratitude.

I chuckle, relishing the sweetness of the berries as they burst with flavor. The fruits were a fleeting delight, disappearing quickly, and considering we hadn't eaten in two days, they were exactly what we needed.

"I have something else," I announce, reaching into the bag once more. "We are famous," I joke, revealing three pieces of paper – their wanted posters. The air grows still as everyone becomes engrossed in their own parchment.

"God, I wish I still looked like that," Hermione whispers, her nostalgic gaze fixed on the image.

Ron, seizing the opportunity, offers her a genuine smile and says, "You are still beautiful, you know," nudging Hermione gently.

While they share that intimate moment, my attention shifts to Harry. He studies his poster intently, sighing with a hint of frustration as he drops the paper to his side.

"Whatever, we just need to stay focused," he mutters.

"Why don't we take a short break and go outside for some fresh air?" I suggest, hoping to lift the spirits.

Nods of agreement circulate, prompting us to step outside the tent and soak in the mesmerizing hues of the sunrise. We stand there for a fleeting moment before feeling something cold against my back. Turning around, I catch Ron in the act, laughing mischievously.

"You shouldn't have done that," I jest, preparing for retaliation.

"Yeah, and what are you going to do then, N-" Ron couldn't even finish his sentence before both Harry and Hermione unleashed a barrage of snowballs in his direction.

In that moment, for the first time in a while, we find joy in the woods, rediscovering our inner children and momentarily casting aside the weight of our troubles in the midst of a lively snowball fight.


Following the unexpected yet heartening snowball fight, we retreat into the tent, its interior illuminated only by the soft glow of wandlight. Resuming our roles for this mission, we dedicate ourselves to brainstorming and strategizing on how to destroy the Horcrux. The intensity of our efforts carries us through the remainder of the day and well into the night, with the cycle continuing into the following day.

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