Year 6 Pt 23

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I linger outside his room, anticipation building, until his shadowy figure emerges. Stepping aside, I grant him access to unlock the door, the subtle click echoing through the corridor. As he strides in, I follow suit, swiftly closing the door behind me to envelop us in a veil of privacy. The air within his quarters feels charged, hinting at the forthcoming exchange. Severus walks to his desk, sighing when he sits down.

Concern lingers in the air as I inquire about Severus's well-being. Despite his muttered affirmation, the strain on his countenance betrays an inner turmoil. I decide to proceed with the task at hand, moving towards his cupboard to retrieve cleaning supplies. Whispering the incantation "Aguamenti," a delicate stream of water saturates the rag, while I skillfully apply soap, generating frothy bubbles on the fabric. The subdued atmosphere in the room matches Severus's subdued demeanor, creating an unspoken tension.

I return to Severus, dropping to my knees to tackle the unpleasant task of cleaning his soiled shoes. The putrid odor fills the air, urging me to work swiftly. In my efforts, a small splatter reaches his pants, prompting me to address the mishap with meticulous care. Within a matter of minutes, I stand up, signaling the completion of the chore.

"Alright, finished," I sigh, relieved to be done.

Severus's gaze, however, lingers on me, focusing intently on a specific area on my chest. I catch the scrutiny and playfully remark, "Oh, so this is the reason for the 'unfair' detention, hmm?" I flash a smirk, teasingly acknowledging the lingering tension between us.

Our eyes lock in an unspoken exchange, tension simmering beneath the surface. I choose to break the silence, gracefully moving towards Severus. Each step is deliberate, emphasizing a subtle sway in my hips. Arriving at his chair, I lower myself down, sensually straddling him. The air is thick with anticipation as I gauge his reaction, curious about the response my actions might elicit.

He places his hands on my hips, and leans in for a kiss. I kiss him back, then pull away.

"The party's over by now Severus, I need to go"

"No, your detentions not over" he grumbles and tries to kiss me again.

press my finger to his lips, silencing any protests, and rise from his lap, purposefully leaning forward, ensuring he catches a glimpse of my cleavage.

"Goodnight, Severus," I whisper seductively.

"Niamh, get back here now," he commands, his voice demanding attention.

I turn around, maintaining the upper hand, and let my hips sway as I walk towards the door, reveling in the control I seem to have over the situation.


Entering the common room, I notice a few lingering students, and there's Harry, seated on the sofa, lost in his thoughts as the clock nears 11.

"Hey Harry, how did it go with Draco?" I inquire. The idea of questioning Severus is quickly dismissed given his mood.

"Niamh, we all need to talk," Harry responds, his voice carrying a hint of unsettlement. The atmosphere grows tense as I prepare for the conversation ahead.

"Harry, what's going on?" I feel a growing sense of nervousness.

"They should be back soon; we'll wait for them." Harry's response does little to ease my tension.

I walk over and join him, the silence between us stretching for what feels like an eternity until Ron and Hermione finally arrive.

Their entrance is reassuring, but their expressions quickly change as they take in our serious demeanor.

"What happened, guys?" Ron inquires. We gather around a table, faces inches apart. I'm facing Hermione, with Ron diagonal from me.

"When Snape took Draco back, I followed them. They were walking in the halls, and Draco mentioned something about being chosen and a task he has to complete. I also overheard Snape talking about an unbreakable vow he made with Draco's mother," Harry reveals in a hushed tone, intensifying the weight of the situation.

"Harry, that's absurd. Are you sure that's what you heard?" Hermione whispers, a sense of disbelief in her voice.

"Not surprised, that git has been off this year," Ron comments dismissively.

"Did you hear what his task was?" I ask, my mind swirling with questions. Why was Snape involved?

"Yes, that's what I heard, Hermione, and I didn't hear what it was," Harry responds, leaving us in an uneasy silence.

"Wait, you were just with him, Niamh. How was your stupid detention?" Harry questions.

"Why were you in detention with him?" Ron blurts out.

"It was so stupid. I 'interrupted' Harry's conversation with Snape to be nice and ask to clean his shoes from Cormac's throw-up," I sigh.

Ron rolls his eyes. "You're too nice, Niamh. Sometimes it's better to look after yourself." The tension in the room grows, and my unease deepens as we grapple with the unsettling pieces of information.

"I agree with Ron Niamh, especially to someone like Snape, he doesn't deserve your kindness" Hermione smiled looking at me.

"I guess you're right, but anyway, he was in a really shitty mood, worse than normal. It seemed like whatever you heard, Harry, was bothering him or something," I share with a heavy sigh.

They all nod in understanding. "I'm sorry, guys, but this has all really shaken me up. I'm really tired, so I'm just going to try to sleep it off," I say, my voice reflecting my exhaustion.

They give me soft smiles, expressing their sympathy, and I get up to head to my room. As I enter, I change out of my dress and into comfortable pajamas. The weight of the evening presses on me, and I don't bother brushing my hair or washing my face. All I want is to forget that this night ever happened.

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