Deathly Hallows Pt 17

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*flashback memory*

I found myself back at Hogwarts, surrounded by the infectious energy of happiness. Laughter echoed as Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I were in the Gryffindor common room. The flickering fire casts a warm glow, creating a cozy atmosphere. As we are talking, Ginny, Dean and Neville come over to join us.

Amidst the laughter and the occasional hushed whispers, the spontaneous idea of playing truth or dare emerges. It's an unanimous decision, fueled by the desire for some lighthearted fun in the midst of our hectic schedules. We gather in a circle, the dim light creating an almost ritualistic vibe.

Ron, with his characteristic grin, exclaims, "Alright, who's up for a game of truth or dare?"

Harry grins in agreement, "Sounds like a plan to me. Let's see what secrets we can uncover tonight!"

Hermione, ever the voice of reason, interjects, "Just keep it within reason, please. We still have exams coming up."

I nod "yes I agree" eyeing Ron specifically.

As the first round begins, I turn to Dean, a mischievous glint in my eye. "Truth or dare, Dean?"

Dean, with a good-natured chuckle, considers his options. "Let's go with truth."

I lean in, my tone conspiratorial. "Alright, what's your most embarrassing moment at Hogwarts?"

The room erupts in laughter as Dean recounts a particularly amusing incident involving a misfired spell during Charms class. His willingness to share adds to the camaraderie, creating an atmosphere where secrets become a source of amusement rather than embarrassment.

The game continues, and as truths and dares circulate, the common room is filled with the sound of our laughter. I catch Hermione blushing at the occasional daring question, teasing Ron with an eyebrow raise.

Hermione, unable to resist the playful atmosphere, eventually agrees to a dare. Ron then prompts her to perform a dance in the middle of the common room. With a reluctant smile, she obliges, and soon enough, the room is filled with applause and cheers.

Ginny seems to notice Harry being the silent observer and comments "Don't be too shy now, Harry. This is all in good fun!" Her playful encouragement earns her a teasing smile from Harry, who seems more than willing to embrace the jovial spirit of the evening.

Harry responds, his grin widening, "Alright, alright, let's keep the fun going. Who's up for the next round?"

Dean, eager to contribute, suggests, "How about a dare, Harry? Something daring to keep the momentum."

Harry chuckles, "Alright, hit me with it."

Ginny, seizing the opportunity, smirks at Harry. "I dare you to sing a song of your choice. Any takers?"

The common room erupts in laughter and cheers, and Harry, though initially taken aback, grins in acknowledgment. "Alright, you asked for it." He takes a deep breath, choosing a familiar tune, and soon enough, the room is filled with the unexpected sound of Harry belting out a lively tune. The unexpected performance brings an additional layer of delight to the night.

As the laughter subsides, Ginny leans in closer to Harry. "You've got a surprisingly good voice, Potter."

Harry, still caught up in the lighthearted atmosphere, replies, "Well, who knew? Maybe I missed my calling as a wizarding rock star."

Ginny's eyes sparkle with amusement. "You never know. Maybe that can be your backup plan if defeating dark wizards doesn't work out."

Hermione and I glance at each other, smirking. We both called it since the first year I came to Hogwarts that Harry and Ginny will end up together. Laughing, we look back at everyone, enjoying the moment.

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