Deathly Hallows Pt 4

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The air reverberated with screeching sounds, assaulting both my ears and head. As I reluctantly opened my eyes, a searing pain shot through my right eye, causing me to wince. The left eye, though blurry, allowed me to glimpse rocks beneath me, gradually bringing awareness of my surroundings.

My arms were firmly held as an unseen force dragged me through an unknown terrain. Amidst the torment, the voice of the man resonated, his words stoking the fiery anger within me.

Despite the throbbing pain in my face and the overwhelming weakness that gripped my body, I opted to conserve my energy, cautiously closing my eyes for longer intervals than keeping them open.

When I dared to open my eye again, I observed drops of blood trickling down onto the rugged terrain below. A sense of satisfaction welled within me at the visual testament to my defiance.

"The Dark Lord better give us the promised reward," muttered someone, their words tinged with a sinister anticipation.

"Yeah, she better be worth it; the bitch broke my nose," I internally smiled, taking pride in the mark I left.

As the sounds of doors opening reached my ears, the realization struck me like a physical blow. Malfoy Manor. The mere sight of the floor threatened to send me into unconsciousness, a testament to the gravity of the situation unfolding.

My journey inside Malfoy Manor continued with a few more steps before I was unceremoniously dropped onto the cold, hard floor. Thankfully, my arms bore the brunt of the impact, but a groan involuntarily escaped me as pain pulsed through my body. I kept my head down, attempting to gather myself and breathe amidst the surge of memories from my last visit to this wretched place.

Recollections of torture and the haunting image of his vile face threatened to overwhelm me, sending shivers down my spine. The rapid cadence of my breath mirrored the intensity of my internal turmoil, and I struggled to maintain composure until the sound of someone speaking disrupted the eerie silence.

"What about the others?" The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't discern its origin.

"They got away, sir," came the response from a man, his tone laden with a sense of defeat.

"Is that why you all look like you've been through a war?"

A collective silence followed, with no one daring to offer an explanation.

"Are you telling me that she—" he paused, "she did this to five full-grown men? Pathetic," he scoffed, his disappointment palpable. "Be gone; I'll give you your reward later. Find Harry Potter, and I will double the reward."

With the mention of Harry Potter, it dawned on me that the speaker was Lucius Malfoy himself.

I closed my eyes as the weariness grew heavier, surrendering to the encroaching darkness that enveloped me.


*flashback-spring of HBP*

I find myself nestled in Severus's bed, my head gently resting on his chest. With my left arm draped across him, one of his hands tenderly strokes my hair while the other rests atop mine. The tranquility of a Saturday morning surrounds us, and I've managed to sneak into his room in the early hours.

Severus is clad in a black long-sleeved shirt and comfortable pajama pants, while I wear a white silk pajama set that complements his attire, creating a beautiful contrast.

"You need to sleep, Severus," I murmur softly against his chest. "I worry about you and the level of stress you're taking on. Your workload is too much."

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