Post War Pt 10

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As I stirred from my slumber, the warmth of Severus's absence roused me from my peaceful sleep. Groggily, I murmured a soft inquiry, my voice laced with concern, "Everything okay Severus?"

He reassured me with a tender touch, his voice a gentle whisper in the darkness. "Just going to the bathroom, my love. Go back to sleep," he urged, his words soothing against my ear.

I nodded, albeit reluctantly, my mind now too alert to fall asleep again. With a sigh, I lifted the covers and got out of bed to go to the kitchen to make tea.

The floorboards creaked softly beneath my feet as I made my way to the kitchen, the familiar sounds of the cottage comforting in the stillness of the night. Moonlight filtered through the windows, casting ethereal shadows across the room as I reached for the teapot, the gentle clink of ceramic echoing in the quiet.

But as I moved to fill the kettle, my gaze was drawn irresistibly to the window, where a breathtaking sight awaited me. The night sky stretched out before me, a vast canvas painted with twinkling stars that sparkled like diamonds against the velvet backdrop of darkness. In that moment, the weight of my worries seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the universe. Without a second thought, I found myself reaching for Severus's cloak, its familiar weight a comforting presence as I draped it around my shoulders.

Stepping outside onto the dew-kissed grass, I tilted my head back, my eyes tracing the celestial dance above. The cool night air caressed my skin, carrying with it the faint scent of earth and foliage, mingling with the heady aroma of Severus.

Lost in the tranquility of the moment, I wrapped Severus's cloak tighter around me, savoring the feeling of his presence even in his absence. The stars seemed to wink conspiratorially above, as if sharing in the silent communion between myself and the night.

For a fleeting instant, I felt as though I could touch the very heavens themselves, reaching out to grasp the stars that shimmered just beyond my reach. And in that moment of connection, I found solace in the knowledge that, no matter how far apart we may be, Severus and I were still bound together by the threads of love that intertwined our souls.

The sudden break in the serene night air jolted me out of my reverie, my heart pounding as I heard Severus's frantic voice calling my name from inside the cottage. His urgency spurred me into action, and I quickly turned to see him rushing out, his expression a mixture of relief and frustration.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing out here?" Severus's voice was sharp, tinged with worry as he reached me, his eyes scanning me for any signs of harm.

"I was just... admiring the stars," I replied, my tone defensive as I pulled Severus's cloak tighter around me, suddenly feeling exposed under his scrutinizing gaze. "I didn't think I needed to tell you I was stepping outside for a moment."

His eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in frustration. "You know it's not safe for you to wander off alone, especially at night," he retorted, his voice tinged with exasperation. "You could have been attacked, or worse."

I bristled at his tone, my own frustration rising to meet his. "I can take care of myself, Severus," I shot back, my voice rising in defiance. "I don't need you hovering over me every second of the day."

His gaze softened, the harsh lines of his face easing into a look of genuine concern. "I know you're capable, Nimah," he admitted, his voice softer now. "But you're also a target, and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

I sighed, my anger dissipating in the face of his genuine concern. "I understand, Severus," I murmured, reaching out to place a hand on his arm. "But please, let's finish this conversation inside. It's too cold out here to argue." He nodded, his expression still tight with worry as he followed me back into the warmth of the cottage.

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