Deathly Hallows Pt 29

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As consciousness gently seeps back into my senses, I find myself cradled in Draco's arms. The world slowly materializes around me, the darkened trees overhead casting ominous shadows on the forest floor. The subtle rustle of leaves and the distant echoes of an ongoing battle contribute to the surreal atmosphere.

A reflexive surge of adrenaline prompts me to extricate myself from Draco's embrace, despite the sharp twinges of pain that accompany the motion. Draco stands nearby, his expression a blend of concern and exhaustion, mirroring the emotional tumult within me. Recent events hang heavy in the air, and a silent understanding passes between us, tethered to the gravity of the unfolding war.

"What happened?" I inquire, my voice a whisper in the stillness of the forest.

"You passed out on... Harry. Everyone started celebrating. I took the only opportunity we had and Apparated us out," Draco admits, his words carrying the weight of a decision made in the crucible of the moment.

Shocked by the revelation, I gaze at him before impulsively embracing him. "Thank you," I whisper into his ear, a genuine expression of gratitude for his decisive action.

At first stiff, Draco gradually returns the embrace in a tight hug. I pull away after a moment, meeting his gaze. "We need to go back and get Harry," I assert, the urgency evident in my tone.

Draco's expression shifts, revealing the conflict within him. "Are you bloody mad, Niamh? We can't go back! We'll get killed on the spot," he protests, his concern mingling with frustration.

"I can't leave him, Draco! I can't!" Tears start to well up, the raw emotion of the situation overwhelming me.

Draco, close to me, holds my hands, pleading with urgency. "You are more of interest to the Dark Lord right now. We need to keep you safe. You  experienced what happened on your return. Please, Niamh," he implores, the weight of responsibility evident in his eyes.

Torn between loyalty and the harsh reality, I nod back through tears, acknowledging the painful truth. Draco releases my left hand and walks beside me as we start walking away in comfortable silence from the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

As we approach, I squeeze Draco's hand in reassurance, casting my eyes over the distance to the majestic Hogwarts that I've yearned for. The pain courses through me, each step a relentless reminder, but determination fuels my desperate journey toward the castle gates. I pick up my pace, trying to get home as fast as possible.

Draco's pleas for me to slow down become distant echoes, drowned out by the urgency pulsing through my veins. Across the bridge, my strides hasten until I arrive at the castle gates. The sight that unfolds leaves me in stunned disbelief – destruction, bloodstains, and ruins painting a harrowing tableau.

As I collapse to my knees, the weight of devastation bears down on me. The once-grand entrance of Hogwarts now stands as a testament to the scars of battle, a stark contrast to the cherished memories that linger in my mind. I find solace in the comforting and grounding presence of Draco, who pats my back with a reassuring touch. Amidst the ruins, he offers a comforting promise, "It's going to be okay. I've got you."

In the midst of the wreckage, I can't help but let my mind wander to the echoes of laughter and camaraderie that once filled these hallowed halls. Memories of fun escapades with Severus and cherished moments shared with my friends weave through my thoughts, a poignant reminder of the bonds forged in the crucible of Hogwarts. The contrast between the vibrant recollections and the grim reality deepens the ache in my heart, and I find myself grappling with the emotional turmoil of loss and nostalgia in this hauntingly familiar yet profoundly altered landscape.

Wiping away tears, I nod, accepting his support as we rise together. Attempting to stand, a sharp pain shoots down my right leg. I lean on Draco, his presence a stabilizing force as we navigate the remnants of Hogwarts' courtyard. The air is thick with the echoes of the battle that transpired, and every step resonates with the painful aftermath of a once-vibrant castle now marred by the brutality of war.

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