Deathly Hallows Pt 20

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In the slow-paced countdown to the possibility of reuniting with my friends, the passage of time feels almost deliberate, as if reluctant to usher in the impending joy. Lucius, a guiding presence, directs me through the intricate halls with an air of authority, each step resonating with the echo of his instructions. The anticipation intensifies, fueled by a blend of nerves and excitement that courses through me.

As the seconds stretch like taffy, I find myself navigating the corridors not just physically but also mentally, threading through the intersections of my past and the present anticipation. Each twist and turn becomes a metaphorical journey, leading me closer to the long-awaited rendezvous with friends.

As we get closer, I can start to hear voices from afar, and an unmistakable voice emerges—a haunting cadence that echoes with the unmistakable resonance of Bellatrix. The familiar, chilling timbre sends a shiver down my spine, intertwining the anticipation of meeting my friends with an undercurrent of unease. With Bellatrix being here without Voldemort, her behavior will be unmatched. The sounds of her talk hang in the air, a discordant lead-up to our approaching meeting, intensifying the range of feelings as I move down the hallway, getting closer and closer to both fear and excitement.

As I step into the scene, the resonance of Bellatrix's voice sharpens, her demand cutting through the air. The room is filled with lots of people, two of them being Ron and Hermione. Tears start to fall down my face. Holy shit. Before I could even react, a sharp object is pressed on my back. "Not one word" Lucius growls in my ear.

I nod out of desperation to hopefully get closer to them later. We stay right by the door, pretty much out of sight. The rest of the Malfoys, snatchers, and some death eaters surround the room. I look back over at Bellatrix, her back is facing me, her hand is clutched on a boys hair "Don't be shy sweetie, come closer" she instructs to Draco, an edge of urgency in her tone. Draco, visibly tense, hesitantly walks toward the figure in question.

Bellatrix, her gaze fixed on Draco, presses further, "Now,if this isn't who we think it is Draco, he will kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure" The weight of anticipation hangs in the air as Draco scrutinizes the boy, a palpable tension building in the room.

"What's wrong with his face" Draco asks

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix raises her voice

I look over and see a group of snatchers huddled up. Some look recognizable, others don't.

A snatcher speaks up "He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the Forrest I reckon"

Bellatrix lets go of her grasp from the boy and steps aside.

"Or ran into a stinging jinx... was it you two?" She points her wand over at Ron and Hermione who stare at her blankly

Walking towards them, she looks at the snatchers who are behind Ron and Hermione and commands, "Give me her wand. Let's see what her last spell was."

They give her Hermione's wand, and as inspects Hermione's wand, Ron's eyes wander the room, then suddenly lock onto mine, a mixture of confusion and concern etched on his face. "Niamh?"

A sensation of desperation permeates the room as Ron's heartbreaking call echoes, blending with the foreboding quiet. Bellatrix, an orchestrator of chaos, seizes the moment with a malevolent glee, relishing the opportunity to unravel the hidden truths.

With a sinister sneer, she declares, "Well, well well. I see Lucius brought back our special guest!" her words dripping with malice as she takes me from Lucius and brings me to the middle of the room. Her laughter, cold and heartless, echoes around me.

I struggle against Bellatrix's tight grip, my emotions a turbulent mix of fear, frustration, and an overwhelming desire to break free.

Bellatrix, growing impatient, releases her grip, and I'm abruptly cast to the floor. A rush of emotions engulfs me—a mix of physical impact and emotional weight. Vulnerable and powerless. The room, now a theater for Bellatrix's cruelty, observes with a disturbing fascination.

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