Year 6 Pt 29

551 16 3

*TW-Very mature! Read at your own risk*

My eyelids slowly lifted, revealing the sterile surroundings of the hospital wing. Hermione, Harry, and Ron hovered nearby.

"How long was I out?" I inquired, sitting up and feeling remarkably better.

"Only about 20 minutes," Harry replied, confirming he had been the one to carry me here.

"I need to tell you something, and I want complete honesty from all of you. Please, don't judge what I'm about to do." My hand grasped the wand resting on a table beside me, determination etched across my face.

"Accio Veritaserum serum"

In the hushed atmosphere of the hospital wing, a vial materialized in my grasp, perplexing everyone present. "Before I take this, I need you all to understand that I'll be completely honest. Please, avoid asking anything too uncomfortable. Hermione, can you give me the dosage?"

Handing her the bottle, I opened my mouth, prompting Hermione to administer a drop. I waited a few seconds for the effect to settle in.

"Alright, there's something I've been keeping from you all this past year. Please hear me out and let me explain." Pausing, I locked eyes with each of them. "After my accident, I grew closer to Snape, and we eventually started seeing each other." My face flushed with embarrassment.

Harry's hands clenched in frustration. "Why didn't you tell us, Niamh?"

"Because I didn't want you guys to hate me," I blurted, my eyes starting to water.

"Did he tell you about his plan?" Harry almost yelled.

"No. I knew nothing. Ever since Christmas, he started to distance himself. We saw each other less, and he changed," I responded.

He loosened his grip, and his face relaxed.

"Did you love him?" Hermione questioned.

"Yes," I whispered, "but not anymore." Tears streamed down my face, and everyone just stared at me.

"Do you guys hate me?" I cried out.

They exchanged glances before Ron spoke up, "I trust her." Hermione chimed in, "I trust you, Niamh. You've been our best friend for 3 years."

Harry looked at me and nodded, whispering, "I trust you, Niamh."

"We could never hate you, Niamh. You make our lives better, and we don't know what we would do without you," Hermione spoke, offering me a comforting hug.

I slowly stopped crying. "I think it's starting to wear off, so if anyone has any more questions, now's the time."

"Did you ever have sex?" Ron blurted out

"No" I blurted out. I covered my mouth with my hand and my face turned red.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded

"Shit. I'm sorry Niamh" Ron blushed

The serum wore off, and I glanced at my friends, overwhelmed with gratitude for their understanding.

"It's worn off. Thank you guys for truly understanding. I'll make it up to you," I expressed, receiving nods from all of them as I sat up. The pain from the curse lingered, but I powered through it.

"Where is everyone?" I questioned.

"With Dumbledore," Harry responded softly.

We all got up and walked down to where he had fallen. The atmosphere was heavy with grief, and tears flowed freely, especially from McGonagall. I caught sight of his lifeless body, and all I could think of was Snape delivering that fatal curse. It made me sick to my stomach.

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