Deathly Hallows Pt 14

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I found myself in a dream, a sunlit meadow where laughter danced with the breeze. On a checkered blanket, Severus and I shared a quiet picnic, his rare smile casting a warmth that reached the depths of my heart. The world felt perfect, worries momentarily forgotten in this idyllic escape.

Birds flew around us, and the aroma of our shared feast filled the air. It was a moment of serenity, a refuge from the chaos of reality. I poured tea into delicate cups, and we engaged in easy conversation, the company more comforting than I could express.

But the dream's tranquility shattered abruptly. The meadow darkened, and an ominous chill replaced the gentle breeze. Voldemort emerged, a specter in the sunlight, casting a shadow over our peaceful haven.

"Niamh," his voice echoed, interrupting our serenity. "It's time for your wedding."

Confusion clouded my dreamy eyes as I glanced at Severus. Voldemort's unsettling smile held a promise of disruption. His skeletal hand extended towards me, beckoning me away from the warmth of the picnic.

Severus's expression shifted, a mix of resignation and concern in his eyes. "You must go," he whispered, a note of sorrow in his voice.

Reluctantly, I stood, leaving behind the sunlit meadow and Severus. Voldemort led me away, the dream's colors dimming as the once-bright scene faded into shadows. "Come along Niamh" he laughs. "Oh Niamh, Niamh,-"

"Niamh, are you alright? You were screaming," he asks with genuine worry.

My breathing, still heavy from the dream, begins to slow down as I grasp the reality that it was all a nightmare. Draco takes a seat on the same chair Severus occupied the night before, his hand reaching for mine.

"I can't imagine what you're going through, okay? But I'll be here... trapped with you," he whispers, a comforting gesture that brings tears to my eyes.

"I'm scared, Draco. Please, you have to help me get out of here," I plead, squeezing his hand firmly.

His hand tenses "I can't. Do you know what they would do to me? Would you even care what they would do?" His voice rises slightly in frustration.

"No, no. You're right. It's too selfish of me. I apologize," I say, tears continuing to fall down my face. The weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air.

Draco's expression softens, and he gently wipes away a tear from my cheek. "Hey, it's okay. We're all scared here. This may mean a house, but it truly is no one's home"

He sighs, his gaze lingering on the bleak surroundings. "I wish I could do more. But pushing against the Dark Lord's forces is dangerous for both of us."

I nod, acknowledging the harsh truth. "You're right, Draco. I just... I can't bear the thought of being trapped here, at the mercy of Voldemort's whims."

His grip on my hand tightens. "We'll figure something out. We have to. But for now, we need to be careful, strategic. This place is filled with eyes and ears, and any misstep could make things worse."

I manage a weak smile, appreciating Draco's attempt to comfort me.

He clears his throat "I'll go bring you some breakfast"

Draco rises from the chair and quietly exits the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The hunger pangs intensify, a constant reminder that I haven't tasted food in days. The mere mention of eating triggers an overwhelming craving, and my mind fixates on the idea of nourishment.

As I sit there, the anticipation of a meal becomes a lifeline, a glimmer of normalcy in this dark reality. Grateful doesn't even begin to describe the feeling that washes over me, the prospect of finally satisfying the gnawing emptiness in my stomach.

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