Deathly Hallows Pt 1

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In the whirlwind of events, too much unfolded in too short a time. From the discovery of the elusive locket to the unexpected arrival of Kreacher and our strategic move to the woods, exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Now hidden amidst the trees, an air of tension envelops us all, especially Harry and Ron, who visibly bear the weight of recent challenges. Hermione and I play the roles of guardians, maintaining a vigilant watch over our friends while trying to remain neutral.

The woods, once a place of solace, now harbor an uneasy atmosphere as we grapple with the aftermath of our journey. Every rustle of leaves and fleeting shadow adds to the sense of foreboding that surrounds us. In this temporary refuge, we navigate the uncertainties that lie beyond, each of us silently contemplating the trials we've faced and those yet to come.

"Harry, why don't we go find some sticks to start a fire?" I suggest.

"Yeah, fine," he mutters.

We traverse in silence, the weight of recent events hanging heavily in the air. I sense that Harry needs a moment to clear his mind.

"Isn't there a lake over there?" I point to my left.

He nods. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" I declare and take off in a sprint.

His footsteps echo behind me, and a competitive grin creeps across my face. I pick up the pace, feeling the rush of adrenaline. Glancing back, I see the lake in the distance, and Harry not too far behind.

Reaching the edge of the lake, I slow down, relishing the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet. Harry stops beside me, winded but smiling. I turn and give him a hug, feeling him squeeze me tightly.

"I hate seeing you two fight," I whisper against his chest.

He doesn't respond verbally, but his embrace tightens. After a while, I pull away.

"The Horcrux brings out the worst in everyone, so we have to be patient with whoever is wearing it," I state.

He nods, running a hand through his hair, a mixture of exhaustion and contemplation etched across his face.

"Last one to the middle is a rotten egg!" He laughs

He kicks off his shoes and peels off his socks and shirt, eagerly plunging into the refreshing lake. I chuckle and follow suit, casting my shoes and socks aside before joining him in the water. As we reach the middle simultaneously, laughter bubbles between us. Despite the initial chill, the cool water becomes invigorating, washing away the tension that clung to us.

We engage in a playful splashing match, each splash echoing our shared laughter, a temporary reprieve from the weight of our problems.

"Thanks, Niamh," he smiles once our splash battle concludes.

"I'll always be here for you, Harry. Remember that," I assure him.

Exiting the lake, I employ a drying spell on both of us, and we quickly get dressed, preparing to make our way back to the campsite. Along the journey, we collect some sturdy sticks, ensuring we don't return empty-handed. The scenery around the lake, with its tall trees and the warm afternoon sunlight casting a gentle glow, provides a serene backdrop to our shared moment of respite.

"Where have you been!" Hermione snapped, her frustration evident.

"Sorry, Hermione, we got distracted with the time," Harry apologized, his tone and mood reflecting his facial expressions.

I could sense Hermione's reluctance, but she forgave him and retreated back into the tent.

"Can I help with dinner?" I offered.

"We have none," she whispered.

The times we found ourselves in were undeniably tough. The changing seasons and the looming scarcity of food cast a shadow on our spirits. Attempting to infuse optimism and distract us from the harsh reality, I suggested, "Hey, that's okay. We can just have a campfire and tell stories!" I smiled, hoping to lift the heavy atmosphere.

Ron emerged, rolling his eyes at my attempt to lighten the mood, but Hermione sighed and nodded her head.

"I think that's a great idea," she spoke, allowing us to make the most of the difficult situation we found ourselves in.


"I still can't believe he did that," Harry laughed.

"I know, his face was green for a week!" Ron snorted, and the two of them exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.

Hermione and I exchanged relieved glances, grateful that their camaraderie seemed to have mended, at least for the moment.

"What about you, Niamh? Got any funny stories to tell?" Ron asked.

I pondered for a moment, and then it hit me. I smirked, "Yeah, I've got one."

"Oh, do tell us," Harry snickered, eager for a bit of levity in our challenging circumstances.

"Well, it is a Snape story. I can't believe I'm sharing this," I chuckled, taking a moment to compose myself. "I remember this day vividly. Hermione, you weren't in your class that day, but it was just before Christmas break. I had DADA class, so, you know, I was... seeing him. Anyway, it was a Friday, so everyone was very rowdy, and even Snape was having a hard time controlling us. We didn't have a lot of busy work to do, so most people were talking about the holidays. He started to get mad and yelled at our class to stop talking about break. A boy named Zach had the nerve to speak up. 'He's just mad because he's spending Christmas alone,' Snape then looked up and quickly responded, 'That is where you are wrong. I've got plans with someone. And you refer to her as mom.' I'll never forget the look on Zach's face—it was pale white—we all burst out laughing."

"Why didn't you tell me this after it happened?" Hermione cried out from laughter.

"It was so funny, Hermione. I wish you were there! If only you were in my class," I chuckled.

We continued laughing for a bit until an awkward silence settled in.

I lowered my head. "Is it bad that I miss him?" I whispered.

It was silent for a bit until I looked up. "Honestly, I don't think so. I know you know he's a bad man, but you knew more about him than we will ever know," Harry spoke up.

I started to tear up. God, I miss him so much. "I'm just grateful to have my best friends with me," I smiled, wiping the tears away.

We continued to talk for a couple more hours, this time more strategically. We needed to destroy the horcrux, stay out of sight, and survive.

How we were going to do it? Who knows. But this is what happens when you put teenagers to save the world. You get spontaneous chaos.

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