Year 6 Pt 16

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As my eyelids gradually parted, I relished the reluctance to fully awaken, savoring one of the best nights of sleep I'd had in ages. A sense of warmth enveloped me, but when my hand reached out, it found Snape's side empty. Panic surged as I scanned the room.

Sitting up, I stretched my arms, searching for any sign of him. There, in the compact kitchen, he was engrossed in a newspaper. The intimate space held a modest countertop, a stove, and a small, sleek circular table paired with two matching chairs. My gaze caught his, and he lowered the newspaper, taking a sip from his mug as our eyes met.

"Good morning" he says, his monotone voice echoing the room.

I rise from the bed, walking over to him. "Good morning. I wanted to thank you, Professor, for letting m—" He interrupts, "Call me Severus."

A smile plays on my lips, a tingling sensation coursing through my body. I feel significant, as if I truly matter to him. I stop a mere arms length away, letting the words linger. Unable to resist, I embrace him, holding onto the moment.

"Thank you," I whisper, cherishing the connection.

He reciprocates, enveloping me in his arms and planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. His voice, a soft whisper in my ear, breaks the brief tranquility. "As much as I would love for you to stay here with me... you better get back to your dormitory."

I check my watch and sigh, it's 7:30. He was right, people would start to wake up now, so I should head back. I drop my hands, giving him a quick kiss before walking to the door.

I look back, still wearing my pajamas, and with a big smile on my face, I say, "Goodbye Severus."

His face reddens. He nods and goes to sit back down. "Take care, Niamh."

I pause at the door. "I'll see you soon, right?"

A hint of a smile plays on his lips. "Of course, Miss. Donnelly."


I managed to evade anyone's notice and safely reached the Gryffindor common room. Some first and second years were up, but most others were still asleep.

Lavender Brown greeted me, looking puzzled. "Niamh, where were you?"

Quickly, I concocted a lie, "I was at the hospital wing in the middle of the night, I didn't feel good."

Her concern was palpable, "Oh no, I'm so sorry! You should have woken one of us up!" I dismissed her worries, attempting to change the subject.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I'm going to go get changed and head down for breakfast!" I smiled and walked past her, relieved that I managed to avoid any suspicion.


The anticipation bubbled within me as today marked the end of November, signifying the last day without Quidditch.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement. Harry exchanged glances with Ron and Hermione, prompting laughter from everyone.

"We know, Niamh. We can't wait to have you back," Harry chuckled, acknowledging the challenges the team faced without me.

"Today's going to be fun, practically every store in Hogsmeade is having a sale, even my brothers!" Ron exclaimed, setting the tone for an enjoyable day.

"I wish I could go with you guys!" I sighed, a longing for the adventures beyond Hogwarts evident in my words. However, my parents' ban on leaving Hogwarts this year, due to Voldemort's return, loomed over me.

"You can always sneak in with me!" Harry nudged me, offering a tempting escape through the secret passages he had mastered.

"Thank you for the offer, Harry, but I better stay. The last thing I need right now is a howler from Mum," I explained, considering the potential consequences.

As we wrapped up our conversation, Harry nodded understandingly. The common room soon became a bustling hive of activity as we all dispersed, preparing for the tasks and adventures that awaited us throughout the day. The camaraderie and warmth of the Gryffindor common room provided a comforting backdrop to the start of a new day at Hogwarts.

I changed into navy leggings paired with a tight white long sleeve, taking extra care with my appearance. I curled my hair and arranged it in a half up half down style, securing it with a white ribbon at the back.

Amidst the quiet ambiance of the common room, I waved goodbye to my friends. Settling near the crackling fire, I immersed myself in the captivating pages of War and Peace. While the buzz of excitement for the Hogsmeade trip echoed through the castle, my focus shifted to thoughts of a certain someone who wouldn't be present. Closing the book, I eagerly made my way downstairs, anticipating the moments I would spend with Severus.

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