Birthday Girl pt 2

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After Tatum left my hotel room, I had about 4 hours before I needed to start getting dressed for our date, so I showered and took a quick nap.

After waking up from my nap, I decided to get on tiktok. I was scrolling through my fyp, when I came across a video that made my stomach sink. It was a video of Charles and Alex. The caption saying "miss them so much <3". I kept scrolling, finding more videos about not only Charles, but the other drivers as well. Videos of interviews, of people videoing them as they walk the streets odd their home towns, if people judging their wives and girlfriends.

Uneasiness settled over me.  Max's words from the other night came back to me. "Not if , but when they find about you. just remember- they don't know you."

What would all of his fans think of me? Would they make videos about me and him like this? Would they hate me? What horrible things would they come up with to say about me?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. Charles was FaceTiming me.

"Hé chérie." I said smiling at him.

"Hé chérie. Your accent is getting better." He was grinning at me. "Are you going to be getting ready for our date soon?"

"Oui. Don't worry. I'm going to get out of bed... soon."

He grinned. "Alright. I'll see you soon. Okay?" He winked and pretended to send a kiss through the phone.

I nodded my head. "See you soon."


I was waiting for Charles to pick me up for our date.  I snapped a quick pic of what I was wearing to send to Tatum.

Me: does this get Tatum's seal of approval?

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Me: does this get Tatum's seal of approval?

Tatum: okay. You look hot. Tell Charles I said hello. P. S. Let me know how tonight goes ;)

I rolled my eyes at her, even though she couldn't see me. Before I could text her back, Charles was knocking on the door to pick me up.

He brought me to one of the nicest restaurants in Monaco. I tried to object and told him we didn't have to somewhere this expensive. But he ignored me, telling me that here he could guarantee we would have a date night with no interruptions.

We had finished eating and were waiting on dessert when I caught him staring at me.

"Why do you look nervous?" I questioned.

He took a deep breath in and let it out.

"Okay. So don't freak out. But I got you something." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small navy box.

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