Earth To Blake

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"I'll see you in a couple weeks, okay? I have a couple of race weeks and then we have a weekend off. I'll come see you for a couple of days before I have to go to Maranello, alright?" Charles reassured me.

We were sitting in his car at the the airport. He was insistent on dropping me off himself.

I hesitated, grabbing the necklace he had given me and started moving it back and forth on my neck. "I know that this is part of it, but that's so far from now..." I looked out of the window of the passenger seat, unable to meet his gaze.

He reached over and grabs my hand, giving a squeeze. "I'll see you again before you know it."

I turned my head to look at him, tipping a corner of my mouth up at him so he didn't see how upset I truly was.

I opened my mouth to say something.

"Hello?? Earth to Blake." Tessa was waving her hand in front of my face, pulling me out of my day dream.

Two weeks had gone by since he dropped me off at the airport. The distance was killing me. I missed him. More than I care to admit. We FaceTimed every day, either before I got to work or when I got home, but it wasn't the same as seeing him in person.

I hadn't realized that I had zoned out. The beeping cardiac monitors and IV pumps came flooding back. I still had my hands resting on the keyboard with a chart open.

"Oh. Sorry Tessa, what were you saying?" I turned my attention to her. She was sitting at the computer beside me, in her typical spot.

"I was saying how you owe me a spa day after what all happened to me while I was being charge nurse while you were gone." She restated. "You don't even want to know what all happened here while you were gone." She pushed her jet black hair over her shoulder.

"I know I do. Thank you so much for covering for me so I could go in vacation. And I mean that." I started smirking at her. "You act like you didn't do a good job while I was gone."

She gave me a "go to hell" look and I started laughing.

"I'm not you Blake. I'm Tessa." Was her only remark.

"Yes. That's an amazing observation Tess. And Tessa is a damn good icu nurse. Okay? I wouldn't lie to you about that." I commented, turning my chair to fully face her and turning her chair to me. "Just because you have less experience than me doesn't mean you aren't a good nurse."

She rolled her eyes at me and I smiled. Always sassy, at least that hasn't changed. I loved her deeply, like a little sister. I had so much faith in her, even when she was unsure of herself.

"I can be a good nurse, but that doesn't put me at your level." She raised her eyebrows at me and crossed her arms.

I crossed my arms to, matching her. "Like I said. I have a couple more years of experience than you. It's okay that you're not at my level yet."

"I don't think I ever will be." Her attention went back to her computer as she started charting.

"I can't wait until you get your new grad to train. You'll see what I mean." I started laughing at her.

Both of us were getting new grads to precept that got hired on in a couple of days. She was going to precept a girl named Alyx. I was going to teach Claire. I usually precepted a new grad every time we hired them.

This group of new grads we had 4. Which was actually pretty low for us. We usually head at least 8 in a group every time.

"Yeah well. You just better be ready to answer mine and Alyx's questions." She muttered.

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