Podcasts and Purpose

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"Hi, Blake. It's so nice to finally meet you!" Kelsey, one of the girls from the podcast said as she opened the door to their studio. "Please, come in."

Kelsey had told me the dress code was casual, and I felt relieved as I saw her wearing a pair of black leggings and a black and white tie dye t shirt.

I had opted for comfort, since it was a podcast. I had on a navy crop top with a grey jacket and white wash jeans.

Nervously, I walked in and started looking around. It was a studio on the tenth floor on the outskirts of Houston, about 30 minutes from my apartment. Which was the main reason why I chose this podcast out of all of the other ones. That, and they were fellow nurses as well.

I walked down the short hallway that opened up into the small seating area with a loveseat and two chairs.

"This room right here is where we will be doing the podcast shortly." Kelsey said and pointed to the room to the right of us.

"Great," I said. "I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda nervous." I reached up and touched my necklace for comfort.

Kelsey started laughing, "Don't worry. I promise we won't grill you. And if there is anything that you don't want to talk about, then we won't. We're not out to get you like the media is." She offered me a warm smile.

I returned her smile as my nerves seemed to settle down. "Okay. So, what time are we starting?"

She looked at the watch on her wrist. "Well, as soon as Jordan ge-"

The front door suddenly opened. The girl's shoulder length black hair was plastered to her face. Her blue jeans and oversized t-shirt were soaked through.

"I'm here, I'm here. So sorry about that. It started pouring down rain as soon as I left my apartment." She said.

Her eyes immediately tailed to me. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you are actually here! I'm Jordan, I'm such a fan of yours!"

I smiled awkwardly at her. Fan. I don't think I will ever get used to that.

"Blake," Kelsey said, "this is Jordan. She's still in nursing school."

Jordan looked away from me as a blush crept across her face.

"Anyways, are we ready to start?" Kelsey glanced between both of us.

Jordan had already kicked off her shoes by the front door and was making her way to the podcast room.

I nodded and followed Jordan, Kelsey right behind me.

As soon as I walked in, I saw several cameras set up in the corners of the room, pointing towards where we will be sitting.

"Oh, don't worry about the cameras. We video all of our podcasts so we can post trailers of them on our socials. But nothing is live. We can edit anything out that you're not comfortable with posting." Jordan, who had already sat down in her seat, noticed what I was looking at.

I slowly nodded my head. "Okay... So, where do I sit?"

Jordan patted the seat to the right of her, which was the middle seat. Kelsey had made her way to the the computer and was typing on it, assuming she was getting the mics and everything set up.

I sat down in the middle seat and grabbed the headphones off the microphone that was set up right in front of me.

Realizing that I hadn't let C know that I had made it yet, I quickly pulled out my phone.

Me: Made it to the podcast. Good news, I haven't been kidnapped yet. ;)

C: Oh good. however, I am almost certain they would bring you back lol

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