Ocean Therapy

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We had 3 days before we had to be at Silverstone for the next race, and we decided that we would go home so we could spend some quality time together.

C's mental health after not placing on the podium in Spain is not the best. I know to some, placing 4th in a race is a big accomplishment. But when you have trained your whole life for these races and have won 3 World Championships already, I can understand how it affects him mentally. Especially when there was the Driver's Championship at stake.

"Pleaseeeeee." I begged him. "It's Monday evening, and we have nothing better to do."

We had spent Sunday after the race at Carlos and Tatum's house. Max and Lando came over as well and got to meet Mari. They were both already in love with her as much as we were.

Lando spent most of his time there holding Mari, and after a lot of convincing he finally decided to let Max hold her, making him promise to give her back to him when he was done.

C's mouth formed a tight line. He was sitting on the couch, arms crossed as I stood in front of him.

"Plus, you know how much the ocean helps your mindset." I added.

I have to admit, after overcoming my fear of the ocean, I fell in love with it. There was something so calming and peaceful about being out on the water. It was the best kind of therapy for anyone, especially a certain Monegasque man.

He sighed, I could tell he didn't really want to, but I knew once I got him out there the water would be his therapy. He just needed the push.

Charles titled his head up, looking up at the ceiling of our apartment.

"Okay, okay. Fine. Only because you asked nicely."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I leaned down and gave him a kiss.


We were at our favorite spot, after he reluctantly agreed to take me out on the boat. We were laying out on the front of the boat so I could tan.

"Truth or dare?" I turned my head to look at him. He had his Raybans on, but I could still see his eyes as they travelled to mine.


"Do you have any regrets in life?" I looked at him intently, curious as to what his response would be.

He looked away from me, his gaze wandering back towards the horizon of the water.

"Only that I didn't find you sooner." His muttered his admission. It slammed into me as the weight of what he said sunk in.

"You once said that everything happens for a reason. Do you still think that?" I countered.

C thought about what I said before he replied. "I don't doubt that everything happens for a reason. It's just that if we had met sooner, that means we would get more time to be together."

I smiled at him. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." He softly smiled at me.

I sighed, looking back out to the ocean. My mind kept wandering back to Riley and the foster care system.

"Okay, what are you thinking about?" he interrupted my thoughts.

I slightly shook my head at him, "It's nothing."

He laughed. "Yeah, okay. It's definitely not nothing, your eyebrows are doing that thing that means you're deep in thought."

I rolled my eyes at him, half annoyed and half amused that he was able to read me so well. I told him about the day that I had met Riley when Tessa and I were getting lunch and how I completely made a fool of myself for assuming that she had parents, when it turned out she was with her foster mom that day.

"I just. Can't quit thinking of the foster care system and how many children there are out there that don't have parents or any kind of family."

I glanced over at him to find him smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I love how much compassion you have for others." He admitted.

I chewed on my lip nervously. The idea had been swimming around in my head ever since I had met Riley, but I hadn't whispered it to a soul yet.

"Tell me," he whispered, reaching his hand over to find mine and lacing his fingers through mine.

I sighed, staring up at the sky briefly.

"I want to make a difference. I want to be able to help children in the foster system in whatever way I can... I meant what I said when I want to use my small platform for good."

C's smile faded as his features grew more serious.

"Did I say something wrong...?" I asked him.

He pulled my hand that was laced with his over to him, he leaned over and kissed the inside of my wrist.

"You are incredible, Blake. Never forget that." He mumbled. "What did you have in mind?"

I started moving my Oura ring around on my finger.

"What if we could bring a foster child with us to one of your practice days? Either the Friday or Saturday of a race week? I know you wouldn't get to spend a lot of time with them because you'll be busy, obviously. But they could hang out with me in the Ferrari motorhome and they could get a tour of the garage?" I hesitantly asked, looking over at him to gauge his reaction.

"I could talk to Ferrari and see what they could set up. I'll have to run it by Monica and she can find out for us." A huge grin started forming on my face as he was actually taking my thoughts and passions into consideration. "But I think it would be a great idea."

"Really?" I needed him to say it again.

He slowly nodded his head. "I think it's a wonderful idea. I hope that we can get something worked out."

Excitement fluttered around inside of me.

I leaned over to him, kissing him.

"Thank you. You're the best." I told him.

"I try." He shrugged casually, smirking at me.

We laid in the sun for a bit longer before I need to use the restroom. 

After coming out of the restroom, I turned down the hall to walk back up to the main deck. But something stopped me dead in my tracks. I slowly turned around, looking at Charles' bedroom door wide open. And staring back at me was his nightstand.

The memory of me finding Tatum and Leighton in there looking at something a couple months ago came floating back to me.

I stared at the top drawer of the night stand.

Curiosity was always my greatest weakness.

Just go look. You'll be quick. Less than a minute.

I took one step closer to his room before stopping again.

Blake, don't. Whatever it is, Tatum said to trust her and let it go. I should just try to forget about it...

I reached up and started moving my necklace back and forth on my neck as I silently debated with myself.

What if I just opened the drawer really quickly and shut it back? A peak wouldn't hurt anyone... right?

Before I could talk myself out of it, I made it over to the night stand. I looked down at it as I slowly reached out and grabbed the handle of the top drawer, and slowly started inching it open.

As I saw the contents of the drawer, I let out a soft gasp. I couldn't breathe as I saw what was staring up at me inside the drawer.

I immediately slammed the drawer closed and took a step back, trying to forget the image that had just been burned into my memory forever.

But it was too late. There was absolutely nothing in the world that could make me forget the image of that little black velvet box that had been staring back up at me.

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