Spanish GP- Thursday

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It was the first race after the summer break in Spain. Which meant that I got to visit with Tatum and baby Mari at her and Carlos' house since they were living here in Spain. Charles and I decided to come visit before he had to be at the track for media day.

"Oh my god, Tay. She is perfect." I said as I held her in my arms. Mari was fast asleep. We were sitting in the living room, Tatum was sitting in the rocker while I was perched on the couch. 

I couldn't stop staring at her. She had a light dusting of dark brown hair already, traits from her father, no doubt.

"How unfair is it?" Tatum pulled me out of my thoughts. "I grow her for nine months. I go through almost 20 hours of labor, only for it to end in an emergent c-section. For her to come out looking exactly like her father..."

I glanced up at her and silently giggled. 

"Those Sainz genes are strong." I told her. 

"They sure are." Carlos said as he rounded the corner from the bedroom. He walked over to me, peering over my shoulder to look at his daughter. "Perfecta."

"Sí." I replied. 

Charles, who was sitting beside me, had yet to say anything. He was just staring at her. 

"Do you want to hold her, mate?" Carlos asked Charles as he nudged his shoulder, pulling Charles out of his thoughts. 

"I would love to." I gently moved Mari from my arms to Charles', who was careful and held her neck and head for support. 

I looked at him as a smile formed on his lips. "Hi, Mari. Uncle Charles loves you."

My heart melted as he talked to her. I glanced at Tatum, whose postpartum emotions was getting the best of her as she wiped a tear from her face. 

"You know she's going to be spoiled, right? I mean, just wait till Tessa, Leighton, and the other boys meet her." I glanced between Carlos and Tatum.

She started grinning. "Oh, I know. Can you imagine what all Uncle Lando is going to buy her?" 

Our eyes locked and then we both started laughing as we thought of how wrapped Lando is going to be.

We didn't get to stay long before we had to head to the track. Carlos managed to take off today since Mari was only shy of a week old. 

We were in the car when Charles spoke.

"Sooooo. I have a surprise for you."

Uh oh. I never knew what his "surprises" would be.

"What is it...?" I hesitantly asked.

"Have you ever heard of a Hot Lap?" 


I let out a huge scream as Charles drove us around the track in a Ferrari. 

Charles laughed, "I thought you liked driving fast?" 

I jerked my helmeted head towards him. "Yeah. My version of fast. Not yours!" I started to scream again as we made another turn. 

He started laughing again. 

"Charles, you better stop laughing and focus on driving!" I screamed.

That only made him laugh more. 

"Relax, Blake. I could drive this in my sleep."

"Well, you better keep your eyes open for today." I threatened. 

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