Code Blue

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         "Push another epi." Dr. Thompson said over the sound of the code blue blaring throughout the hospital. Tessa looked at me with concern as she pushed another epi.

"Epi in." Tessa called out so it could be recorded.

I was currently doing chest compressions on an 18-year-old who was shot by her boyfriend. We all knew what the outcome was going to be. None of us were ready to give up on her quite yet.

After 40 minutes of working on the girl who would never get to see another day, Dr. Thompson slowly stated "Call it. Time of death 1:54 pm."

Tessa, myself, the other nurses and the respiratory therapists all stopped what we were doing. No more chest compressions. No more breathing for them. No more lifesaving meds. Nothing. We all just stood there for a minute, shocked by what had just happened and how it had all played out. That's the worst part. Defeat, despite the fact that we all knew her survival rate was close to 0%.

This was the worst part. The family. Since she was my patient, myself and Dr. Thompson walk into the waiting room to talk to the patient's parents privately. I was zoned out, my palms sweaty, my arms mush from all of the compressions. The feeling of defeat and exhaustion heavy in the air. Dr. Thompson and I bring the family back to see her. Tessa and the other nurses had done an amazing job on making her look presentable while I was in the waiting room getting the family.

"Thank you" I whispered to Tessa in passing as we guided the family to the room.

Chairs were set out on both sides of the bed. The mother's screams could be heard down the hallways of the 32 bed ICU that I was in charge of. Luckily she made it into one of the chairs thanks to the father guiding her so she wouldn't collapse onto the floor.

"I am so very sorry for your loss." I said. That was all I could say. There are no words that could be said to comfort the parents who just lost their 18-year-old daughter. I closed the sliding glass door along with the curtain to give them privacy, telling them to spend as much time with her as they needed.

I walked over to my computer at the nurse station and sat in my chair, taking a deep breath. Grabbing the pony tail that I had around my wrist, I quickly threw my shoulder length golden brown hair up off of my neck.

"Hey, you did a good job in there." Tessa said sliding into the chair next to me and bumping my elbow with hers. Her emerald eyes locking onto my grey blue ones.

"Thanks for all of your help in there, one day you'll be taking my charge nurse job from me." I said as I gulped down some water from my bottle for the first time that shift.

"Blake Asher Rivers, don't get any ideas. Just because I am going to be charging for you while you are gone on vacation does not mean that I want to take your spot. You do remember who trained me as a new grad, right?" Tessa quickly said in between sips of water.

Boy, do I remember. Flashbacks to the first day Tessa Martin was on orientation with me flooded my memories. The once shy and quiet girl is now one of the best and smartest nurses I've ever gotten to work alongside. She also happens to be my best friend.

Out of my peripheral I could see Dr. Thompson walking up to me. His short brown hair peppered with greys from 33 years of being a critical care doctor. It's a privilege getting to work beside him as an ICU nurse. He is one of the best doctors in country.

"Blake," Dr. Thompson said as he patted my shoulder, "thank you for everything you did for our patient. Let me know if you need anything else from me, okay?"

"Sure thing. All that I need right now is some food and a nap." I said half grinning up at him. As if on cue, my stomach growled so loud everyone at the nurses' station looked at me.

Dr. Thompson spoke a little softer so only Tessa and I could hear him. "Have fun on your vacation. Don't get too crazy and bring any boys home, okay?"

Before I could reply, he was already walking off to the Doctor's computers to start charting. I swear I could faintly hear him chuckling as I watched him turn the corner.

I quickly scarfed down my sandwich and chugged a bottle of water. Glancing at the clock, it showed 5:30pm. Another hour. I just have to make it one more hour before I am off for 2 weeks and its vacation time.

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