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"So. Now that the season is almost over, what are your reflections on your first ever Formula 1 season?" Addison asked me. I had been approached by her a while back to do an interview with her for her youtube channel.

Due to conflicting schedules, this interview was over video chat. It was the biweek after the Mexico GP. Mexico was pretty uneventful for Charles, being that he had something go wrong with his gearbox and couldn't finish the race. So Carlos ended up finishing P1, Max P2 and Pierre P3.

Since next weekends race was in Brazil, Charles and I are staying in the States and will go directly to Brazil from Houston. Addison is currently home in London for her week off before Brazil.

So here I am at 4 am in Houston doing an interview due to the time difference. I definitely don't see how Charles and the guys manage all of the time changes throughout the year.

"Well," I huffed a laugh, "I could lie to you and say that it's been a breeze. But, I won't say that. In the beginning, I had a huge learning curve. Before I met Charles, I didn't even really know Formula 1 was a thing. So I had a lot to learn in a short amount of time. And to be honest, there's still so much that I am learning everyday. I'm extremely grateful for everyone that has taught and helped me throughout this season, as well as to all of the people who support me."

Addison smiles at me through the camera before she glances down at the iPad that she is holding to find the next question.

"Speaking of your fans. What was your original reaction whenever you found out that you had started to gain followers on social media? I bet it was quite a shock."

I thought back to the very first few months after Charles and I had announced our relationship to the public.

"It was very overwhelming at first. I didn't quite understand why I had gained so many followers on social media just because I was dating Charles. I still don't fully understand why. But regardless I'm thankful for them. They've been nothing but kind to me and I love each of them dearly."

We spoke on a couple other topics. What it was like becoming a nurse. How stressful the ICU actually was and the toll it takes on mental health. She also was curious about how many languages I spoke, especially since I lived in Monaco now.

"Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me, Blake," Addison started, "I have just one last question for you before our time is up. What are your plans for the future?"

I was quiet for a moment as I thought about it.

"I plan to be around the paddock for many more seasons to come. I love the people, the sport, and the whole atmosphere of Formula 1. But putting racing aside, my main goal is to just be the best version of myself that I can be. I want to be kind to others, help others in any way possible and I want to be the best influence for those around me. I've always had a passion to help people and to make a difference in other's lives and that is really all that matters to me."

I never want to be boastful or conceited about my position and my life. I have the best life, and I will always be eternally grateful for it. I just hope that I can make a difference in other people's lives for the better.

I said goodbye to Addison, she thanked me over and over for taking the time to do the interview with her. I ended the chat and closed my laptop, closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath. Exhaustion started to settle in.

I had about 2 hours before Charles was supposed to get up to go workout with his trainer. Knowing he was still fast asleep in our bedroom of the airbnb that we rented out in Houston for the week, I decided that I would take a quick shower before getting a nap.

I carefully opened our bedroom door and peaked in. The light in the bathroom connected to our room was still on, so I could make out his features.

Sleeping on his stomach, the covers were pooled at his waist. Leaving his bare back exposed for me to admire. He's beautiful. Not just his body or his looks. But his soul is just as beautiful. The corners of my mouth tipped up as I thought about how lucky I am that he's mine.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I tip toed to my suitcase, grabbing a pair of panties and an oversized tshirt to sleep in. I made my way into the bathroom and quietly clicked the door shut behind me, careful not to wake him up.

This bathroom is huge. With two sinks, a free standing tub, and large walk in waterfall shower.

Turning on the shower, I quickly stripped out of my clothes and stepped under the spray of the water. I let the water soak my hair and trail down my face as I stood there with my eyes closed and tried to relax.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hardly heard the bathroom door slowly open and close. He didn't speak, but I could feel his eyes on me.

I stepped out of the spray enough so I could open my eyes and search for him. I turned around slowly, finding him leaning against the opening of the shower. He still had on his black sweatpants that he was sleeping in and his hair was messy.

His eyes met mine. And as soon as they did- I was already wanting him. I could feel my heart rate start to pick up and my breaths becoming more shallow.

I watched him as his eyes slowly trailed from my face, down my body and back up to my eyes. He hadn't spoken one word yet, but his eyes said everything that needs to be said.

Keeping my eyes trained on his, I slowly start to move my hands down my body. One hand finds a breast as the other keeps traveling down.

He keeps his eyes glued to mine, but I know he can still see what I'm doing to myself out of his peripheral.

My fingers slowly slip inside of me and I let out a breathy moan from the friction. I pump my fingers a couple of times before I reach up and stick my tongue out, tasting myself immediately.

Out of my peripherals, I can see that he's enjoying this. Really enjoying this.

I stick my fingers in my mouth and close my lips around them, sucking. I slide my fingers out of my mouth and drop my hand to my side.

His gaze sharpens and I can tell he's fixing to lose what little control he has right now.

I break eye contact with him for the first time in what feels like hours, and I let my gaze roam over his body.

His broad shoulders are tense from him trying to keep it together. His defined chest is rising and falling in shallow breaths. His abs are still just as defined as when I first laid eyes on them all those months ago, the evidence of how hard he trains. His waist tapers down into a V, which disappears underneath his sweatpants that are hanging low on his hips from sleeping. My eyes immediately zone in on the long, hard bulge in his sweatpants that's begging for attention.

I don't let my eyes linger for too long before I snap my gaze back up to his.

I arch an eyebrow at him and tilt my head slightly. Seeing who will be the first to break.

"S'il te plaît (Please)," I mumble. And that was all it took for his restraint to snap. He takes three long strides towards me before he's on me.

He grabs my neck and jaw, tilting my face up to his as his mouth crashes onto mine. His other arm snakes behind my back and pulls me flush to him. My nipples immediately hardening as they meet his chest.

Both of his hands roam down to my body to my ass. He gives me a tight squeeze before he picks me up and walks over to the shower wall. I wrap my legs around his waist so I don't slip as my arms fold around the back of his neck.

He quickly breaks the kiss, both of us panting. He picks his head up just enough to look at me.

"I need you,"he said, his voice strained. I knew what he meant. Because I feel the same way. I need him. All of him. Mind. Body. Soul. His confession was sweet, but I didn't want sweet right now.

"Vas-tu rester ici toute la journée ou vas-tu le prouver et me baiser? (Are you going to stand here all day or are you going to prove it and fuck me?)" A playful smile grew on my face.

And he did just that. 

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