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After winning the World Champion for the 4th time in a row, C decided that during the winter break we were going to do nothing but stay home and relax.

We were relaxing on the couch in our apartment when he broke the silence.

"Okay. I have a surprise. Well, not really a surprise because I'm fixing to tell you what it is." He said.

I laughed, "Okay. What is it?"

He reached up and scratched the back of his head. "I kind of planned something for us."

I looked at him, waiting for him to explain.

"We are going to get dressed up and I have a crew that is going to take us out on our boat for dinner tonight."

He smiled at me nervously.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded his head in response. "We really don't have to. I'm perfectly content with-"

"No. We are doing this. I want to. Think of this as my 'thank you' for following me around the world this year."

I grinned, excitement now coursing through me, "Okay. What do I wear?"


"Oh my god C. You really shouldn't have done all of this."

We walked onto the Sedici, my strapless floor length black gown swished along the deck of the boat. I left my hair down and in their natural waves, and I did my makeup in a soft glam. I wore silver sequin pumps that were hidden beneath my dress until I started to walk. Charles had worn black slacks with a white shirt, leaving a couple of the top buttons undone.

and I instantly noted all of the lit candles scattering the deck. He didn't reply, he just grabbed my hand and kissed the inside of my wrist. The boat ride was short. It was to our spot, which was arguably the most beautiful spot on the ocean in the whole world if you asked me.

The whole back main deck of the boat had been converted into where we would be eating. A small round table with a clean white table cloth covered it. There was a small vase with flowers, along with candles and two chairs.

"Charles," I looked at him to find him smiling at me. "You really shouldn't have done this. I don't need all of this."

He smiled but rolled his eyes at me. "Blake. We aren't going to argue about this all night."

I decided to drop it because I knew how much he must have went through and paid for for all of this.

He led me over to the table where he helped me into my seat. It wasn't until we sat down that I could hear the soft classical piano music playing.

The waiter brought out our food and drinks. We had the best dinner. We talked about everything from reflecting on the past year to what our plans were for the future.

We finished dinner, and were waiting on our dessert. C excused himself to the bathroom and left me to my thoughts for a moment.

When C returned, instead of sitting back down in his seat he came to my side of the table and held out his hand.

He took in a deep breath, "Dance with me?"

Thinking back to our first dance at the club on the rooftop, I smiled and nodded at him.

I placed mine in his and followed him further to the back of the boat where we had enough space to slowly sway back and forth to the soft piano music that was playing throughout the boat.

I laced my fingers behind his neck as his hands gently wrapped around my waist and pulled me close.

"I still can't believe this is my life." I murmured, more to myself than to him.

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