Truth or Dare?

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I waited for him to say something. Anything. The silence was deafening.

"You're a nurse?"

"Uh yep. I am." I wasn't sure where this conversation would go. Most people started asking me for medical advice or started telling me all about their experiences in the hospital. Which I really didn't want to talk about either of those things when I'm off work.

"Wow. Thank you for all that you do." Charles spoke softly. I froze. In my 4 years of being a nurse, no one has ever thanked me. Not once.

Unsure of what to say, all that I could think of was, "Oh.... It's no big deal. It's just my job." As I shrugged my shoulder, trying to brush off the compliment. "I'm actually on vacation to get away from my job, I just needed some time away to clear my head."

He nodded his head in understanding. I really didn't want to talk too much about my job, I came here on vacation because I wanted an escape from my reality.

"Well, what are your plans while you're here?"

"I actually don't have any plans at all. I was just going to wing it once I got here." I laughed.

Charles grinned and was quiet for a moment. I could tell he was thinking about something, but I wasn't sure what about.

"I have an idea." He started. I stared at him, unsure of where he was going with this. "Don't worry. It's nothing too crazy."

I waited for him to continue.

"Why don't I show you around Monaco? What better way to get the full experience than to have a Monegasque show you around?" he proposed.

"Oh. Uh, you really don't have to do that. I'm sure that you have a million other things you would rather be doing with your time." I didn't know him, but I was sure he had other things to do that were better than showing an American on vacation around Monaco.

He started laughing. "If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have offered. I don't have anything planned for the next couple of days anyways. Plus, would it help if I promised that I wasn't going to kidnap you?"

Smiling, I replied, "Only if you pinky promise." Holding out my pinky.

"Pinky promise." He smiled widely as he grabbed my pinky with his.

As our hands touched a bolt of electricity shot up my arm and into my chest. A let out a small gasp, one that I hoped he didn't hear. If he had heard it, he didn't say anything to me about it.

I could already tell that this was going to be a vacation I'd never forget.

I finally picked out a book and purchased it. Afterwards, we exchanged phone numbers, and he said he would text me in the morning with an address to meet him at. We said goodnight and we parted ways. I started walking down the street when I remembered that he never told me his last name. I turned around to try to find him, but he was gone. As I was turning back around I spotted a matte black Ferrari sports car drive down the road. I didn't realize that there were so many expensive cars here.


I got back to my hotel room and decided to order some food. While waiting on food, my phone dings. I glance at it, and it was Tessa. She was updating me on the patient, saying that he did in fact have a hemothorax. Dr Thompson had to put in a chest tube at bedside. She helped with the whole procedure without me. I was so proud of her.

My phone dinged again alerting me of another text message.

Charles No-Last-Name: Do you like hiking?

Me: I love hiking

Charles No-Last-Name: great. We can go hiking in the morning. Want to meet at 8am?

Me: Sure. that sounds great.

A second later he sends me the address to meet him at. The longer I sat there, the more my curiosity grew. Why did he not tell me his last name? Before I could talk myself out of it, I was texting him back.

Me: Truth or Dare?

He replies almost immediately.

Charles No-Last-Name: Hmmmm. Dare.

Me: I dare you to send me a selfie of you right now. So I can make it your contact pic in my phone :)

Radio silence. Was I too bold? I was fixing to put my phone up and go take a bath when I heard it go off again. I smiled to myself as I opened my phone.

Charles No-Last-Name: Happy? :)

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Charles No-Last-Name: Happy? :)

Me: Meh. It's an alright picture ;)

Charles No-Last-Name: My turn. Truth or Dare?

My stomach dropped with anxiety. This was so out of character for me. I always played it safe, never spoke boldly, calculated the outcome to every possible scenario. What was I doing?

Me: Truth

I didn't get a text back. Did I scare him off? Was I too forward? I haven't talked to a guy or even flirted with one since him. And that was... a long time ago.

I sat my phone down and at that time someone was knocking on my door with my room service. I brought my tray back to bed and decided I was going to lay in bed, eat, and watch a movie. Because I'm on vacation. So why not?

I was halfway through "The Devil Wears Prada" when my phone buzzed.

Charles: When is your birthday?

Me: January 26th. I'll be turning 26.

Charles No-Last Name: That's 3 weeks from now. When do you go back home?

Me: I fly back January 30th. You just asked me two questions, by the way.

Charles No-Last-Name: true. Curiosity got the best of me. Your turn.

Me: what's your favorite color? Please tell me it's not something boring like red.

Charles: lol no it's not red. It's blue, like a dark blue actually.

We text back and forth for a bit, finally saying goodnight at 11:35pm.

I made sure an alarm was set on my phone to wake up in the morning, turned the light off on the bedside table and quickly fell asleep, excited for tomorrow.

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