Rough Day

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I was tired. My patient kept coding all shift, just for them to not make it. I am exhausted, feeling defeated, my brain hurt from thinking 1000 mph all day, starving because I didn't get to eat anything, and ready to go home and sleep for an eternity.

Charles: Hey chérie. I hope you are having a good day work. I miss you <3

He had sent me that earlier today. Only I had been busy trying to keep my patient alive all day. Only for them to die. To say the least, I was not in a good mood.

"You did everything you could." Tessa said as we walked to our vehicles in the parking garage.

"Yeah well. It still wasn't good enough." my reply short. "I didnt even get to eat anything all day. I'm literally starving." I pulled my phone out to text Charles back.

Me: hey. I'm sorry I didn't get to text you back today. I had a rough day. I'll text you once I get home and eat something because I'm hangry. Okay?

"I'm probably just going to go home, eat everything in sight, and overthink the whole shift, thinking of every possible thing that I could've done differently. And I know. The chance of survival that my patient had was very slim to start with." I said.

I pulled one strap of my North Face backpack off so I could try to find my keys.

"Where the hell are my keys?" I mumbled to myself, getting more aggravated that I couldn't find them.

The double doors to the parking garage opened and we walked out into the evening breeze.

"Blake, you really need to not think about that when you get home. Trust me. There are a million better things that you could be doing when you get home." Tessa said, smirking at me. I noticed her comment, but I was still fumbling around in my bag trying to find my damn keys, so I didn't ask her what she meant by that.

I let out a huff of frustration. "Seriously. Where the fuck are my keys? I swear if I have to go back in that building to look for-"
My sentence was cut off because I had stopped breathing when I looked up.

"Tess. I know I'm tired and hangry. So please tell me if I'm hallucinating or not." My whole body was frozen, my hands still in my bag since I had stopped dead in my tracks.

She grinned at me. "Nope. Definitely not hallucinating." She elbowed me to pull me out of my trance. 

My breathing was shallow, I dropped my bag onto the ground, my shoulders sagging.

Because sitting on the hood of my white 4 door Jeep Sahara was him. Smiling at me so big that his dimples were showing.

"Charles. Marc. Hervé. Perceval. Leclerc. What the fuck are you doing here?" I took a breath for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

A huge smile grew on my face, and before I even gave him the chance to reply, I was making my way to him. He jumped down from the hood of my jeep just as I made it to him and I threw my arms around his shoulders. He wrapped me in his arms and picked me up off the ground.

I wrapped my legs around his torso, and gave him a big squeeze. I was scared that if I moved that he would disappear.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here? Are you missing any of your meetings? You're not going to get in trouble for being here are you?" I rambled. My brain was going 1000 mph again.

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