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"Do you know what this means?" Stefan, my boss, asked me.

He had called me the day I landed and demanded I meet with him.

"Not at all Stefan. Why don't you enlighten me please?" I said with a little more bite than usual. I wasn't an idiot. Of course I know what this meant.

He tossed a copy of the article that had printed about the rumor of Charles and I dating on the desk in front of me. The picture of Charles holding me on his boat front and center of the page.

"If where you work gets exposed to the media, you could be terminated. Effective immediately. The hospital can't risk the possibility of violation of patient's privacy." He explained.

Funny. Because my privacy is being violated by the media, but no one is protecting me from them.

"I don't have to confirm or deny that that's me in the photo."

"Blake. This is serious." He he leaned forward in his chair, resting his forearms on his desk.

My face unreadable, "I'm being serious too. You act like you don't know who my parents are. I know my rights." I shrugged my shoulders at him.

He squinted his eyes at me, the vein in this temple was on full display. He knew who my parents were. Just like everyone else knew who they were and what they did for a living.

"Look. Not that I have to tell you anything, but I will. Because the situation has been handled... We were dating. Were being the key word. Now we're not. Simple as that." I crossed my arms.

Stefan looked at me, sighing. "Look, Blake. It's nothing personal. You are an incredible nurse. But the hospital does not tolerate any breech of privacy whatsoever. I won't be able to protect you if something happens..." he trailed off.

I scoffed. "I already told you. It shouldn't be a problem. The media won't want anything to do with me now that I'm not dating Charles anymore. They don't even know that's me in the picture." I pointed down and the article.

He slowly nodded his head. "Okay... I believe you."

I stood up from my chair. "Great. Can I go now?"

He slowly nodded his head. I didn't even give him the chance to say anything else as I stormed out of his office.

I had just gotten in my jeep and started the engine when my phone buzzed.

Tatum had sent a picture in the group with her, Tessa, me and her friend Leighton.

Tatum: hope this brightens your day. Officially in the second trimester.

I smiled

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I smiled. I am so happy for her and Carlos.

Leighton: can't wait to get all of the baby snuggles <3

Tessa: omg. That's so sweet! I want baby snuggles too!

My mind drifted to Charles, and what kind of life we could've had.

Tatum: just a heads up girls. Now that we are in the second trimester, we are probably going to announce that we are expecting on social media. Just to get that media frenzy out of the way.

My smile quickly faded. I'm sure Alex will have a field day with that.

My phone buzzed again, and I glanced at it thinking it was the group again but I was shocked to see it was Pierre.

Pierre: We need to talk. Can I call?

I debated on whether to text him back or not. I stared at my phone for a couple minutes when he text again.

Pierre: please.

I sighed.

Me: yes, but only if you promise that you're alone.

Pierre: promise.

I didn't call him until I was back at my apartment.

"Hey." Pierre said as he answered the phone.

"Hey" I echoed.

"How are you doing..?" He slowly asked.

I thought about whether I wanted to tell him the truth or not. But he did take time out of his day to check on me.

"The truth? I feel so dead inside without him..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry Blake. I really am."

I wiped a tear away. "It's not your fault. I made this choice. You can't do anything to change it."

He was silent.


"What if we could change it?" He asked.

My suspicion grew. "What do you mean?"

"Just... answer the question."

I thought about it fire a second before replying. "I love him. I'll do anything to protect him. Hence why I broke up with him."

"Good. Now you're just going to have to trust me. Okay?" Was all he said.

"Um. Okay? I still don't see what you're getting at."

"Just leave everything to me."

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