Bonus Chapter 2

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Want to know how Carlos and Tatum met for the first time went? Well, you're in luck. 

In honor of reaching 60k reads on The Last Chicane, I'm giving you this chapter that's from Tatum's POV. Enjoy! -Lottie <3


It took me literally begging Blake before I convinced her to go to the club with me. But we were in Monte Carlo. You couldn't come to Monte Carlo for the first time without experiencing the club. It was a rule.

I made the mistake when we first arrived to head straight to the dance floor, the call of it to my soul was too strong. I should've known that Blake wouldn't have wanted to dance without getting something to drink first. 

One moment Blake was at the bar. The next, she was gone. I was still dancing, but decided that I would give her five minutes to return before I would go looking for her. Monaco was safe, but I knew that big crowds made her anxiety flare up. 

I was dancing to the music when I felt someone grab my waist and pull me back to them. Smirking, I turned around so I could look at whoever had wanted to be closer to me. But my smirk faded when I realized who had grabbed my waist. 

Carlos Sainz, Formula 1 driver for Ferrari, had touched me. Shock rolled through me, but I was quick to hide my nervousness as I decided I would rely on my sassiness to cover it up. 

"Normally people introduce themselves before attempting to grab them by the waist and dance with them," I said playfully. 

He tilted his head, trying to decide if I was joking with him or not. "My apologies," he smirked. "Let me introduce myself then. I'm Carlos Sainz." His Spanish accent heavy while speaking his name. "What is your name?" 

Oh shit. I checked my watch, then my eyes darted back to the bar and the outskirts of the club. No Blake. Joder. ¿Dónde podría estar ella? I realized that Carlos was still looking at me, waiting for me to reply. But I was also aware of the reality that tonight was just another night at a club for him. It's not like I would ever see him again anyway.

"This was a lot of fun," I start. Carlos's features drop like he knew where I was going but was also shocked that someone was actually turning him down. "But I'm actually here with my cousin, and I really need to find her. I hope you have a good night, Carlos." I offered him a smile before I left him standing in the middle of the dance floor. Alone.

It took searching for Blake for ten minutes before I found her on the roof, and she wasn't alone. 

"Oh there you are! I've been looking all over for you. Hey you'll NEVER guess who I met downstairs. He's a driver for Ferra- Oh. My. God." I stopped mid-sentence and was staring at Charles. As in- Charles Leclerc. Formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc. 

What was this, "Ferrari Takes The Club" night?

"Do you know who this is B?" I asked Blake. The confusion that was prominent on her face told me that she was absolutely clueless.

"Uhhhh yeah? His name is Charles, he's the guy I was telling you about that I met-" I cut her off before she even finished her sentence.

"This is Charles Leclerc." I answered.

"Charles who?" B's face scrunched together as she turned to look between Charles and I.

Smirking at her, "No puedo esperar para ver esto. (I can't wait to see this.)"

Charles hesitated for a moment before answering. "My name is Charles Leclerc, I am a Formula 1 driver for Ferrrari."

Both of them just stared at each other for a couple of awkward moments before Blake turned to me.

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