Old Faces

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"Okay sooooo. Don't be mad at me." Charles said to me as we were sitting on the couch.

I flew back to Texas today, only my flight was this evening and it was still early in the morning.

I side eyed him. "What did you do...?"

There was a sudden knock on the door. He just grinned at me as he slowly got off the couch.

"I have a surprise for you." Was all he said as he went and opened the door, stepping aside to allow me to see who was at the door.

My face instantly lit up as a very pregnant Tatum was standing in the doorway with a very happy Carlos standing behind her.

"Ay dios mío. ¡Callarse la boca!" I shot up off the couch and ran to Tatum. Wrapping my arms around her pregnant belly.

I let go of her, looking down to see her belly in person.

"Oh my God. Look at how big she's gotten!!!" I placed both of my hands on her belly and knelt down.

"This is your aunt Blake. I cannot wait to meet you." I told Tatum's belly.

She started laughing, causing the baby to start kicking around.

I stood back up and stepped to the side, allowing Tatum to pass by before hugging Carlos. Charles and Carlos clapped each other on the backs.

We followed Tay into the living room, who had already made her way over to the couch and was doing her best to sit down. Only she couldn't bend her hips at all because of how big her belly was. So she awkwardly just bent her knees until she was sitting on the edge couch. After she got situated just right, she propped her feet up on the couch.

"Oh my god. That gets harder and harder every time." She stated out of breath.

I walked over and sat beside her on the couch.

"How are you even here? Are you sure it's safe to travel being so close to your due date?" Tatum was due in the next month and a half. Except I really didn't think she was going to make it that far.

She glared at me. "Yes, nurse Blake. My doctor said it was okay for now. Once I hit the one month mark I won't be able to travel. But I'm still okay right now."

I whirled my head towards the boys, eyeing Carlos.

"Is she telling the truth? You know I'll hurt you if something happens to either of them."

Carlos' face blanched as he held his hands up in surrender. "I promise. It's okay."

"Good." I smiled as I turned my attention back to Tay.

But I heard Carlos mumble to Charles. "She scares me sometimes, mate."

That earned a laugh from Charles.

"So. Tay, what are you doing for your birthday this year?" Tay's birthday was in a month.

She looked at me and then looked at her belly. "Looks like I'll still be fat and miserable. So. Not much, considering how swollen my feet are these days."

Carlos, who was talking to Charles, interjected. "Tay you are not fat. You are growing our baby."

Tatum glared at him, squinting her eyes at him. "You." She points to him. "Did this." As she points to her round stomach.

Charles and I started laughing, offering no help to Carlos. Carlos seeming completely unfazed, just smirked at her.

"No niegues que no fue divertido." He winked at her.

I felt heat start to spread across my face. Charles looked at me. Tilting his head and his eyebrows bunching together, silently asking me what was just said. I just shook my head at him, not wanting to repeat that.

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