Vegas GP Sunday

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"I can't believe it's the last race of the 2023 season," I told Charles.

We were laying in bed soaking up the last hour of alone time before we needed to get up and start getting ready for the day. He was tracing the words of my tattoo on my shoulder while I had my head on his chest. 

"How are you feelings?" Charles asked me. 

I laughed. 

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Mr. Almost-4x-World-Champion?" I joked.

I glanced up at him as he shook his head.

"I can't think like that. There's always a chance that I don't win. Especially considering how close Carlos is to me for the Championship."

I was quiet for a couple of moments, just enjoying the time we get to be together. 

"Are you nervous?" I glanced back up at him. 

He thought about it before he looked down at me. 

"Not really. Do I want to win another Championship? Of course. But I'm extremely happy with all of the success that I've had so far in my career. Plus," paused before continuing, "I have the most important thing to me in the world right here in my arms. Everything else is just a bonus."

My breathing hitched as I stared up at him. I leaned up and kissed him. 

"I love you, and I am so proud of you," I murmured to him. 

He smiled, his dimples showing. 

"I love you too," Charles said, "Now, lets go compete for a Championship."


Night races were my absolute favorite. There was something about Formula 1 cars under the bright lights that always made me happy. 

It was cooler tonight, so I wore my cream sequin Ferrari sweatshirt with black jeans and my Adidas sneakers. Charles was wearing his usual race day outfit- Ferrari polo, faded black jeans and white Nike's. 

Charles and I were dropped off at the swipe gate and we made our way into the paddock for the final time for the 2023 season.

I walked ahead of Charles, giving him the space that he needed to stop so he could take pictures and sign autographs for fans as we headed for the Ferrari motorhome.

I was going to be watching the race from inside the garage. But since we were early I decided that I would hang out in the lounge in the motorhome while Charles did all of his usual prep for the race. 

Sitting on the couch and scrolling through my social media, I felt hands wrap around and cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" A familiar voice greeted me and I instantly shot up from the couch and turned around. 

"Oh my God, Tatum!" I looked down and saw baby Mari in her arms. She was only a couple of months old now, but she was finally cleared to travel by her pediatrician back in Spain. Mari looked up at me and started grinning. 

I gave Tatum a quick hug before reaching down and pulling Mari into my arms, giving her a quick kiss on the cheeks. 

"I still can't get over how perfect she is Tay."

Mari was the perfect mix between Tatum and Carlos. Dark brown hair, hazel eyes and tan skin. 

Tatum laughed. "Carlos and I think so too. But we might be a bit biased."

I was just fixing to ask her how her and Carlos were when the door suddenly opened, my eyes locking on to the emerald green ones that are so familiar to me. 

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