Surprise Visitor

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Two weeks had gone by and between work and race weekends, Charles and I had barely spoken. We would tell each other good morning and goodnight, but we hardly had a full conversation with each other since I had told him about losing the necklace.

The distance was eating away at me, little by little. Tessa came over for one of the weekends and we watched the race at my apartment. The other race we were both working and too busy to be able to watch.

Charles and Max ran a tight race in the Driver's championship. Max had won the most recent race and Charles had won the one before that.

It was a biweekly, which meant all of the drivers had a weekend off before the next race. And I just so happened to be off.

I also just so happened to be on a plane right now flying to Monaco to surprise Charles. I had been texting Max, who also lived in Monaco now, and he was helping me surprise Charles by making sure he didn't try to fly to Houston.

As soon as the plane touched down, I turned my phone on and text Max.

Me: okay, just landed. He's still at home, right?

Max: He should be. Either that or the gym. I'm waiting outside the airport for you.

Max: Wait. Have you been ignoring Charles???

Me: ...I wouldn't say ignoring. I would just call it... dodging... I'm just really bad at keeping secrets and I don't want to ruin this surprise. Plus, I can't lie to him if I don't talk to him, right..?

I put my phone up so I could get off the plane. Luckily it didn't take me long to get through customs, and I was walking out of the airport. I was greeted with a smiling Max.

I walked over to him, rolling my suitcase behind me. "Hey Max, thank you so much for helping me with this." I reached up and hugged him.

He gave me a squeeze in return, "Anything for you. Plus, surprises are fun."

I put my suitcase in the back of his car and he started driving towards Charles' apartment.

"So, how are things going?" he asked.

I laughed. "Well. Do you want the superficial 'it's great' response? Or do you want the real response?"

He just glared at me, knowing he wanted the real answer.

"Okay, real answer it is." I said clearing my throat. "It's hard. I know that sounds so childish to say because there are so many other things that are way harder than my relationship. But the long distance is killing me. Not being with him everyday is killing me. Not being part of his world every single week is killing me. I feel like I am living two different lives, and maybe that is because we have done such a good job at keeping our relationship a secret. I'm so torn between my world and his. Because I don't even know that I want to keep our relationship a secret anymore. And it's all for what? My job? My nursing license? I'm not even sure if I want to be a nurse anymore." I immediately slammed my hands over my mouth to stop talking, realizing what I had just said. I hadn't told anyone any of that.

The thought has been in the back of my mind for quite some time now. I use to love taking care of others. But now, I'm not sure. I'm burnt out for sure. It's hard to give to others when you yourself are empty.

Max was quiet for a minute. "Do you love him?"

I looked over at him, "More than I've ever loved anyone."

He kept his eyes on the road, tilting his head. "Well, then I think the solution is clear."

I waited for him to elaborate because I clearly didn't see any solution to any of this.

"Quit your job and move over here."

I burst out laughing. "Oh that's funny Max. But really, what solution do you have?"

He turned his head to look at me.

Oh shit. He's being serious.

"Wait. You're being serious aren't you?" I asked.

He remained quiet, glancing at me again before focusing back on the road.

"Max, that's insane. I can't move over here! I don't even know if I could get a job as a nurse over here with my license-"

"You just said you didn't know if you still wanted to be a nurse or not." He interjected.

"Then that's even worse. I would have no means to support myself-"

"You act like Charles or even myself wouldn't be able to help you." He interjected again.

I just glared at him. "I can't just not have a job Max." I crossed my arms at him, trying to stand my ground. I've been independent for so long, I didn't want to have to depend on anyone to support me.

He replied, "I'm not saying never get a job. I'm just saying, find a job- one that you love- once you get over here."

"Okay. And what about you? Do you love what you do? Or are you just in it to please your dad?" I countered.

Max's grip on the steering tightened. I knew that I had triggered something, a memory probably. But, if he was going to ask hard questions, so was I.

He took a deep breath in before looking me in the eyes. I could see all of the pain that resided behind those eyes.

"This isn't about me, Blake. This is about you." He said.

I was quiet for a moment. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. I just want you to know that... I get it..." I said sincerely, reaching out and placing my hand on his shoulder.

He glanced at me. "I know you do..." Then he started laughing to himself.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

He stopped laughing, his face becoming more serious. "I've just never had someone to bond like that with before. It's a strange feeling."

I thought about it. I didn't really have anyone like that either. I mean, I had Tatum and Tessa. But neither one of them truly got it.

"You're right. It is a strange feeling."

He pulled up to Charles' apartment and put the car in park. I started unbuckling my seat belt when he caught my attention.

"Remember Blake, privacy is power in our world. I'm not saying keep your relationship a secret for forever, because inevitably the media will find out. I'm just saying, you can still have some privacy and have the public know about your relationship. You just have to find the balance." He dropped his gaze, turning his head to look out the window. "There's going to come a time when you're going to have to choose, either your world or his. Because you're right, a long distance relationship is hard. If you want to move here, I will help you in whatever way you will let me. But no one here is faulting you for wanting to protect your privacy either- because you have what we all want."

He finally brought his eyes back to mine, softly smiling at me.

I leaned over the center console, giving him a hug. "Thank you. For everything."

He nodded his head. "You're welcome."

I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcase, making my way to Charles' apartment door.

I was fixing to knock on his door, when it abruptly opened.

A wave of anger, confusion and hurt rolled through me.

Because it was Alex who met me at the door.

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