Silverstone GP- Thursday

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I had picked Tessa up from the airport earlier today.

"I can't wait to see everyone." Tessa said as we scanned out badges at the Paddock gate and walked in. "Well, everyone except you know who."

She had yet to talk to Lando about that whole situation. But little did she know, her big sister was going to help her out in that department.

"Trust me, everyone is just as excited to see you. The boys keep asking me when you're coming to another race."

We started our walk towards the Ferrari motorhome, where Charles and Carlos were doing a challenge for Ferrari's social medias.

There were a couple of fans who came up to me asking for pictures. After posing for a couple of them, we continued our walk to the motorhome.

"Do you think it would be possible to not run int-" Tessa let out a small gasp as she bumped into someone. Losing her balance, the person reached out and grabbed her arm to keep here from falling.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you-" Lando stopped in the middle of his sentence. His smiled immediately dropped as he started chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Hi, Tess." He muttered.

She started at him for a brief moment. "Hello Lando." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear that was blowing in the breeze.

I glanced at the time on my phone.

Almost time.

Lando looked at his watch, "I would stay and catch up. But I have to go to the track to do a Hot Lap."

Tessa opened her mouth to say something but I beat her to it.

"Great. We're actually fixing to head that way too." I threw my arm around Tessa's shoulders and redirected her in the direction of the track.

Lando and Tessa looked at me, confused.

"Im sorry, what?" She asked.

I gave her a huge grin. "Surprise. You're doing a Hot Lap with Lando today."

I felt her shoulders go rigid as the words left my mouth.

Lando started running a hand through his unruly curls. "Really?"

I nodded my head. "Yep. I think y'all will have a blast."

Lando gave me a nervous smile while Tessa just glared at me.

"Te odio. (I hate you.)" She mumbled under her breath.

"No, no lo haces. (No you don't.)" I winked at her as the three of us headed towards the track.

Was I meddling? Absolutely. But they were both my close friends. And they needed to work through whatever had happened between them. Even if they only tolerated being around each other from here on out, at least they would have talked about things.

I helped Tessa put her helmet on and strap it on while Lando was on the drivers side of the car putting his on.

She was still glaring at me.

"Just talk to him..." I fastened the last strap of the helmet.

"What do I even say?" She muttered. "It's not like I can say, 'Hey Lando. Remember when we agreed that we were just friends? Well, I accidentally fell for you and now you have a whole girlfriend. One that I can't compete with.' Now can I?"

Maybe I shouldn't have meddled.

"Okay. Well, no. You can't just blurt that out." I agreed. "He misses you, Tess. Just try... for me?"

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