Old Memories

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We made it to the McLaren garage before Tatum finally pulled her arm back.

"Okay, are you going to tell me what that was all about back there?" She pointed back in the direction of Alex. I hadn't told anyone that Alex was Charles' ex.

"What was what all about?" Tessa asked as she walked out of the garage. She had on a McLaren hat that Lando had signed.

"Nothing." I muttered. "Lets just go to the podiums, watch them shower champagne everywhere, and get the hell out of here." I started trekking towards the podium.

My mood had instantly turned for the worst.

First it was the wreck, second the bad memory about work, and now Alex practically bragging to everyone watching that she was going to get an exclusive interview with Charles. She acted like she still had claim over him. Yeah fucking right, she mistreated him, and broke his trust. I was pissed in more ways than one.

Well, I was pissed. But I was also... jealous. I was jealous that she gets to follow the grid around all year, gets to see and interview Charles every race weekend. While I would only be able to go to a handful of races, and won't be able to see him as much as I 'd like.

Now I was pissed with myself for feeling this way.

"Woah. Pump the brakes, B." Tessa said, grabbing my arm and forcing me to turn around. "What the hell happened?"

"Yeah, what she said." Tatum added as she crossed her arms. "We're not going anywhere until you explain what's going on."

They were ganging up on me. Great.

Accepting defeat, I closed my eyes, forcing my self to take a deep breath.

"That interviewer back there," I pointed over my shoulder with my thumb, their eyes locking on to Alex. "She used to date Charles..."

Both of them glanced at each other, their eyes getting big.

"And to be quite honest, I don't know how to feel about it. So I would really appreciate if we could go to the podiums while we still have the chance, cheer for the boys, and then get back to our hotel as quickly as possible so I don't do something stupid." I said calmly.

They slowly nodded their heads and we made our way to the podiums, just in time to see them get their trophies and spray each other with champagne.

The boys looked so happy as they sprayed each other with champagne. As I looked up at them, I couldn't help but smile. They looked like kids up there having the time of their lives. And I couldn't help but think about all that they had to sacrifice in their lives to be up there.

How selfish am I that I am jealous over Charles living his dream? He's worked so hard for over twenty years, I can't be upset about not seeing him. Not when he's sacrificed so much in his life to get to this point.

I made a promise to myself right in that moment to not tell Charles how much not seeing him, and him talking to Alex so much for interviews affects me. He can't help that she has to interview him. It's not his fault. And I refuse to be a jealous girlfriend.

We quickly made out way back to the hotel, happy to be by ourselves and away from the crowds.

It was already 5pm, and we decided to change into our swimsuits and go to the indoor pool for a bit. I hadn't ran at all today and I could use the exercise to let off some steam.

We had changed and made our way to the pool and surprisingly, no one else was there.

"Oh thank god. I needed a break from all of the people." I muttered as we walked over to a set of chairs. I kicked my flip flops off, threw my towel down and walked over to the pool and dove in.

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