One Day At A Time

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I was home for 4 days by myself after I flew home from the Monaco GP. Charles stayed behind to do some meeting before he was officially off for the summer break. He had to fly private just so no one from the media would catch him.

We were currently sitting in my living room on one of my off days, watching Friends on tv.

"I don't understand why you love this show so much." Charles said to me. I was sitting on the opposite side of the couch with my feet propped up in his lap.

"What do you mean? This is the best show ever." I gasped. "Please tell me you've seen this before."

He just looked at me.

"Oh my god. You havent? Just wait until I tell Tessa! Im calling her right now. She will freak out. She loves this show just as much as I do."

I reached and grabbed my phone. We had the same work schedules, so I knew she was off.

The phone rang a couple of times before she picked up.

"Hey." Tessa said.

"Tessa! You'll never believe what I have to tell you. Charles has never watched Friends! Can you believe that?!" I rambled.

I could hear rustling in the background.

"Tessa? Did you hear me?" Surely if she was busy she wouldn't have answered my call...

"Oh yeah. I heard. Where has Charles been this whole time? Does he at least know who the characters are?" She asked.

I glanced at Charles, who just shrugged at me.

"I'm gonna go with no..."

I heard more rustling.

"Am I interrupting something, Tess?" I asked quietly.

A thought popped into my head.

"Do you have a boy over?" I whispered. That got Charles' attention, he glanced at me.

"What? No. Of course not." She quickly answered.

"Uh. Okay.." I said slowly. "Anyway. Do you want to get dinner with C and I one night that we are off?"

Charles had grabbed the tv remote and was looking for another show to watch. I lightly shoved him with my foot to get his attention.

How dare you. I mouthed to him.

He chuckled to himself and clicked out of the menu so we could keep watching Friends.

"You owe me" he whispered to me. I smiled at him.

"Uh yeah sure. We can do that. What night do you want to get supper?" Tessa asked.

"Hmmm. Well we have work tomorrow. Soooo how about the next day?"

Tessa replied quickly, "Yep sounds great. Okay gotta go, bye!" She hung up on me.

"That was weird..." I muttered to myself.

Charles' attention came back to me. "What happened?"

"I have no idea. Tessa was just acting strange." My attention floated back to the tv, where Monica and Rachel were arguing about something.

"Truth or dare?" Charles asks.

I looked at him, "hmm. Truth."

He nodded his head and started thinking.

"Whats your dream car? Please tell me it's a Ferrari." He started chuckling.

I started laughing at him. "Very funny. But no. My dream car is actually a Porsche 911 Turbo S." I smiled widely at him.

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