Silverstone GP- Sunday

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Tessa, Leighton and I are standing at the base of the podium. Looking up as Charles is standing in the first place podium, Lando is second, and Pierre third.

Something happened to Max's gearbox during the race and had to retire early, but up until then he and Lando were neck and neck for second.

The anthems play, they get their trophies, they spray champagne everywhere. Charles makes his way down to me and kisses me, the media goes wild once again.

"Good job, C." I said over the sound of the shuttering cameras.

C placed a soft kiss to my temple, muttering his thanks.

Tess, Leighton and I hung around the paddock while all of the boys finished their interviews in the media pen and the post conference race.

"I think this calls for celebration," I said as C, Lando and Pierre came walking up.

Pierre walked over to me and greeted me with a hug. "What did you have in mind?"

I started smiling, "Well..."


The music was blaring from the club as we walked up to the door. The bouncer didn't even look at the list as he saw the boys and nodded his head, opening the door for us.

Pierre, Lando, Tessa, Leighton, Charles and I walked in, where we got our hands stamped before being guided upstairs to the VIP floor.

I begged Max to come along, he said he had some things he had to do first but he would come later.

We quickly made our way to the bar. I was waiting on my Malibu Sunset when Lando came up beside me.

"Thank you for what you did..." he said just loud enough for me to hear over the music.

I bumped him with my elbow. "You're welcome. Tess just needs a push every now and then."

He smiled, "She really did have a blast after she relaxed.... And after we talked."

I raised my eyebrows at him, but I decided that I wasn't going to pry.

"So," I changed the subject, "how are things with you and Braelyn?"

He and his new girlfriend had only been dating for a couple of weeks, but he didn't talk about her much.

Lando reached up and started scratching the back of his head.

"It's good..." he was avoiding my eyes.

"But?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"She's super sweet. But. But there's just no chemistry. And maybe it's because we just started dating. I'm not sure yet." He turned around to face the dance floor, leaning back against the bar.

I followed his line of sight, landing on Tessa who was dancing to "No Lie" by Sean Paul and Dua Lipa with Leighton.

I couldn't help it, curiosity got the best of me. "How long...?"

He he tilted his head to me, "How long what?"

I raised my eyebrows at him. He knew exactly what I was meaning.

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