The Interview

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"So, um, what's your name again?" Alex asked me, a faint smirk on her lips.

Poor thing. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

Game on, bitch.

"My name is Blake Rivers. But you should know that already, since you're so obsessed with my boyfriend."

Shots fired.

Charles, who was standing off to the side of the cameras, looked at me like I had just grown an extra head. Glancing at him, I smiled sarcastically.

Alex's eyes grew to the size of saucers. She instantly cleared her throat in attempt to cover up her shock. She dropped her gaze to her iPad to look at which questions to ask next.

"Umm. Nice to meet you Blake." She tried to recover. I rolled my eyes at her. "So, would you like to tell everyone how your Hot Lap with Charles went?"

"I actually did some research on the famous Alex," completely ignoring the question she just asked, "You know, after you showed up at Charles' house uninvited and blackmailed him."

Her eyes darted up to mine from her iPad.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She stated.

I barked out a laugh. "Denial. That's so cute."

Charles gave me a look that said, What the hell are you doing?

I didn't answer him as I glanced back at a still speechless Alex.

"What's the matter? Don't like it when the roles are reversed and you're not asking the questions?" I tilted my head at her.

Alex just stared at me, her mask easily slipping into place. "I think you are mistaken. You must be thinking about someone else."

I just clicked my tongue at her. "Am I, Alexandra Du Pont?"

Her face paled. "How do you know that name?"

I lazily shrugged, "I have my connections. But what's more interesting, is why you changed your last name."

"You wouldn't." She gritted out.

"Awh, sweetie," I placed my hands over my heart, "My parents are lawyers, but you should know that already as well, right? So try me." I dared.

I hated using the "my parents are lawyers" card. But I didn't have to study law for my parents to ensure that they nailed every bit of law in me they could since a young age.

I hated being this version of myself as well. But, I had been pushed too far. And not only that, what she did to Charles was unforgivable.

"You're wrong." She said weakly.

I sighed, "Just remember you gave me no choice."

I pulled out my phone and clicked on the files that I had saved for a rainy day- like today. I handed her my phone, and her features immediately changed.

Her mask was starting to crack.

Strike one.

She was watching surveillance footage from the marina that housed Charles' yacht, dated back to January. It was when I had first met him on vacation. In the video it showed Charles and I getting on his yacht and leaving the marina. And if Alex watched closely, which I knew she was based off of her facial expressions, she would see herself on the dock of the marina a couple minutes after we left, paying someone to take her out on the water. But what is even more interesting, is the professional grade camera that was on her shoulder.

"This doesn't prove anything," She looked back up at me, schooling her features.

"Ah, mind if I?" I reached over and snatched my phone out of her hands, swiping to the next video that I had on my phone.

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